close your eyes

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"Fix a price on them"

The two men stopped debating for a few seconds, stunned by the words of the lady. She then turned her back to them, walking out of the room. The grip of the men got stronger as they attached them to more chains. Tying their wrists one to the other, the chain at their feet got changed, still linking their feet but letting some small space between them so that the boys could walk. The two friends kept on debating, trying to get out of those men. One of them got fed up by their action and raised his arm, ready to punched San. But one of the other man grabbed his wrist before his fist could reached his target.

-Don't damage them. He said coldly, The guests want them perfect.


The young boy felt like floating in the air.
Like a graceful and magnificent bird, riving the cold air. Flying freely among the spirits that followed him during his life.

He couldn't breathe, he felt like suffocating. But this pain was leading him to the eternal peace, and he knew it. He just prayed that his precious friends would be gone soon, not suffering, not feeling the soreness. He hoped that they closed their eyes, rapidly, without any fear, any ache. Knowing that soon or later, they'll find each other in the peacefulness and the serenity of the dead's world.


A voice called out.


Once again. The young boy got lost. Spinning around and around trying to understand where the voice was coming from. He couldn't opened his eyes, couldn't breath, couldn't move correctly, just as his members were restrained by everything around him. The voice continued calling for him. It was soft and relaxing, just as a melodious song.


The voice was now right in front of him and Yunho opened his eyes wide in shock. He could finally see where he was. Underwater. The salty water hurts his eyes, but he fought back the grief, eyeing everything around him. Everything he could see was just infinite dark water . The abominable chest pain he had made his thought it was over. That his lungs where already filled with water, that his end was now near, that he just had to wait a little longer.
But that's when he saw her...
She was magnificent. One of the most gorgeous creature of this world. Her eyes met the young man and she grabbed him by his coat, preventing him from sinking even deeper into the seabed. Her light blue eyes where eyeing the lost boy, eyes wide open out of curiosity, as if she never had seen something like that.
Yunho kept on suffocating, his entire body hurting him as he knew he was living his last seconds. She saw it, and slowly came closer, as if she was hesitant. Her eyes sank into the young man's one and she put her hand over his chest, approaching dangerously his lips. She soon touched them with her own. The lost boy did not moved, completely hypnotised by her beauty. When she broke the kiss, Yunho stayed like that, looking at her for a moment. Then instinctively he breathed, a little bubble coming from his nose passing through the water to reach the surface.
He could breath.
She smiled at him and took his wrists, swimming toward the surface, following the path of the bubble.
Yunho closed his eyes, waiting, appreciating the calm around him, just feeling her hand on his wrist. He knew the surface wasn't far away now, he knew what was going to happen. Just before they reached the top, he heard her angelic voice.

"I gave you my own life... I'm begging you, don't waste it"
" them all..."

Everything around him seemed to disappeared, and he closed his eyes. No sounds, no light, no scent, no pain, just darkness.
But not stressful or unpleasant darkness, just... darkness.


Every time he closed his eyes, Seonghwa's felt like he was coming back. He knew Yunho had killed him. He saw it. He saw him falling to the ground, his stomach pierced, his blood covering the ground. He remembered seeing his lips trembling. He remembered his last gaze before he closed his eyes, for what Seonghwa was sure, would be forever.
But he could feel him. He could feel him screaming inside of him. He could see him slowly coming back in the distance.
And he was terrified about it.
Were they immortals?

Seonghwa was scared. Scared to see him once again. Scared to let him gain ground, cause he didn't knew how to stop him. He knew, soon or later, that he would take advantage of him, but staying silent was easier for the young boy. He knew that this was gonna be a problem for them, but him and his friends already had so much, he couldn't tell them, because he knew that they couldn't do anything either. That would just bring more stress and more apprehension to them, and Seonghwa didn't wanted that.
If he had to suffer he would suffer in silence.

So Seonghwa closed his eyes once again, and heard him. But his body was too weak, he needed to sleep after what just happened. He needed to regain strength to find them all. They needed to be reunited again.
So Seonghwa slept, completely terrified but with a goal for tomorrow... finding his friends.


San was hurt. The chains were heavy and he couldn't even feel his legs. His wrists were bleeding continually.
They had separated him from Mingi. The condition of his friend worried him. He hoped he was alright, not like him. The men that took them were absolute brute. They never explained them what was going on, but San wasn't idiot...

They were gonna sell them as slaves.

That's why they'd talked about guests. That's why they didn't wanted to "damage" them, even if that was completely failed.
The lady must had been a high-ranked person, the main person concerned with this horrible market. She was probably the head.

San had heard the men talking.
The date where they were gonna get sold was in nearly two weeks. During a masked ball, probably filled with rich and powerful people searching for slaves at a small price. The auctions would take place at midnight, just after the last twelfths stroke. They would not be alone, other slaves would be here.

San had to wait, hoping that all of his friends were gonna be alright. Praying that Mingi succeeded to escape before the ball. Hoping that the men would not be coming back too early.

Soon, San closed his eyes. The images of his friends made him smiled and a single tear escaped his eyes.
The young boy slowly sank into a heavy sleep that he did not had in days.


Author's note:

Hi 👋
I know there were a lot of switch between the characters during that chapter.
I hope it wasn't too confusing.

Thanks for reading.

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