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The sun was up in the sky. The day was warm. The people were gathering around a sort of dais. Shouting, brandishing the metallic tools they were exploited with. The few guards present were taken down. The rebellion had started.

_i**o\w was free.

A young man walked on the dais, followed by his friends. He raised an arm and everybody became quiet. His voice slashed the silence and his eye covered by the long scar, pierced the mortals.

"The sound of wind blowing from the horizon
The warmth of the sun hitting the ocean waves
The vibration of sand beating like the hearts of youth
We're at the starting point of this long journey

The freezing winds may make us shiver
The heat of the sun may make us thirsty
The vibration of the sand may swallow us
But we'll never stop
Gold, eternal life, honor, love, fame
It doesn't matter what you dream for
So let me ask you..."

W**l yo* j**n u*?

The voice suddenly got distorted, deeper than the abyss. The time seemed to have stopped. The lips of the young man twisted into a disturbing smirk and his face turned to look at the man in the crowd. His other sell, his weakest part of himself.
The young man froze when the man on the dais looked at him. He tried to resist, he tried to alert his friends.

"No! It's not me!" he screamed desperately. But everything around him had stopped. No one was moving, hearing... No one.
This was just him and his other part.
He couldn't move his arms or legs, just as hardly tied up. No one could save him from himself. He pulled with his entire strength but he couldn't move at all. His reflection just laughed at him. The young man looked up but when his eyes met the dais, the man wasn't there anymore. Just his real friends stopped in time... but not him. He looked around, searching for him, seeking his own self.

Nothing no**ing nothing nothing nothin* nothi** nothing nothing no**i** nothing nothin no*hing nothing nothing nothing **th*ng nothin not***g nothing nothing nothing nothin nothing nothing nothing nothing n**h*ng nothin* nothing nothing nothing nothing nothi** nothing nothing nothi** nothing nothing n*thin not**ng nothing nothing **thi*g nothin* nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothin* nothing noth*** nothing nothing nothing nothi** nothing **t**ng nothing nothing nothing no***n* nothing no****g not**** n**hi** not**** ******* ******* ******* ******* *******...

His heard hurt like crazy. His nose started bleeding. The dizziness took him and he fell to the ground, knees down. His eyelids were heavy, so heavy. He couldn't even breathe correctly. He looked up just to find that same man in front of him, an hand stretched towards him. That smile, that maliciousness in the eyes, the man's aura was nothing but evil.
The man took the young man by his neck, hardly, inspecting his prey. Just as he was dreaming of this moment, he took out his ornamented dagger, and let it sank toward the young man's heart. The last thing the boy heard was "Adieu Captain"...


Mingi coughed water. His lungs and his esophagus hurts him enormously. He coughed and coughed, his body trying to get rid of the water filling his organs.
He opened his eyes as the liquid drool on his neck and cheeks. He gradually regained consciousness.

-Mingi! Mingi!

A voice called for him. The voice seemed so far away from him. It seemed like the person called him from the distance. He felt something shaking him violently.

-Mingi! Wake up!

Again the same voice. He slowly opened his eyes, finding San's panicked face. His face softened when his friend looked at him.

-Are you okay?

-Y~Yes... mumbled Mingi completely lost.

His friend helped him standing and held him until he regained full consciousness. Mingi looked around him. He was in a chamber. It looked a little more expensive that what he had seen here. The bed now completely wet was large and ornamented with gold leaves. The walls were white and decorated with some old paintings. The door seemed a little opened and Mingi walked toward it, wanting to see where exactly he was. But after a few steps, Mingi's foot got restrained by something heavy and metallic. He almost fell, being caught at the last moment by San. He looked down and saw a huge chain clinging to his foot, the same with San. Without saying anything San could see the face of his friend, and put an hand on his shoulder.

-I don't know where we are... said the young man softly.

Mingi was angry. Angry at himself.
The memories of the attack coming back to his mind. He remembered everything, until that endless moment struggling against the water. He remembered grabbing San with his entire strength. He remembered seeing his friends deriving, sinking into the sea, vanishing behind the giant waves. He remembered the moment of absence he had crossed, the moment he opened his eyes back underwater. He had swum, trying the reach the surface, his members slowly loosing him. After he had fought against the water he had succeeded to get to the surface. That's when he noticed...
He didn't had San in his arms the entire time. He had panicked, to loose his mind. He had probably let his friend died. The last thing that came to his mind was the moment he closed his eyes, for what he thought was the last time.

But San was in front of him now, badly injured but alive. He instinctively took him in his arms, forgetting the chains imprisoning them. He just wanted to felt San in his arms, to be sure he wasn't dreaming.

-I'm so sorry... he whispered in his ear.

San was lost. He didn't knew why his friend would apologise. As a matter of fact, San did not remembered everything. He had lost consciousness even before the fire had took the entire room. His burned injury, hurting him violently. He was still a little weak but his body had healed himself pretty goodly.

Mingi talked to him, explaining him everything that happened. While doing that the door opened even more and someone entered. Instinctively Mingi placed himself in front of his friend, still scared for his life. But the person in the room did not seemed really aggressive. It was a lady, dressed with a long and probably expensive dress. She was looking at them, chin up, straight face, eyes lightened with a small spark of maliciousness. She still stayed far away from them and four men entered the room, placing themselves next to her. The woman was in the prime of life, she did not looked pretty at all, just rich. Her face did not inspire reliance.
The two boys were lost, this woman just looking at them without a word. She was probably a good person knowing that she must have saved them. This was maybe just silly prejudice.

San opened his mouth, wanting to ask her a few questions, but he rapidly closed it when the woman talked. The boys couldn't understand what she was saying, her words not reaching them as she had now her back in front of them, talking to the person with her. The only thing the boys got, was a little "gorgeous..." she whispered with a smirk, turning slowly to face the two men. Her next words froze them, and the other men in the room came toward them, grabbing them hardly, trapping them with even more chains as she left the room.

"Fix a price on them"

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