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It was 7:00am when San got waken up by an old lady. She was shaking him and shouting for help. When he realised where he was and what happened he thanked the old woman and kept smiling telling her that everything was alright. He stood up, wake Mingi up and explained what happened to the woman without saying too much. Even if the woman wasn't really sure about letting the two friends go without having called the police or an ambulance, she still did when San kept on telling her that they were fine.
He thanked her again and then held Mingi who wasn't totally recovered. He quickly called a taxi, knowing that their home wasn't near. The taxi arrived and took them safely to their house.


-Where are they ?! This is not normal!

-Calm down Wooyoung, I don't know but I'm sure they're alright, said Yunho.

-I'm scared, we already lost one of our friends I could not stand if something happened to them.


San and Mingi finally arrived home.
They didn't even had the time to step in the house that the five guys already had jump on them. They felt relieved. Yunho and Jongho place Mingi on his bed and the three other asked a lot of questions to San.

-Calm down guys you see he is not feeling too well, said Yunho while coming back in the room.

-Yeah you right... ok San rest if you need to and we'll talk later, reply Hongjoong.

-No don't worry, I'm ok.

-We listen to you then, said Jongho while sitting on the couch next to San.

Everyone took place, worried about what had happened to their friends.
San took a deep breath and started to speak.

-This night when you guys went to sleep Mingi and I weren't tired, we wanted to walk. We spend I think more than 30 minutes walking. But at one moment Mingi stop walking to answer his phone, and I continued. I don't know why. I was nearly at the end of the road when I saw someone at my left. I remember that I turned around and faced the man but something behind me grab my arms and the man in front of me started to hit me, and some others too. After a few second the man who was holding me threw me on the ground and they kept on kicking me. The last thing I remember is hearing Mingi shouting at them to leave me alone. Before closing my eyes I saw him fighting with them... That's it. But Mingi maybe know more about it cause he lost consciousness after me.

-What but why you ! They did not stole your stuffs or anything? Said Wooyoung trying to understand.


-So there were no point at all!

-Please Wooyoung calm down, reply Hongjoong calmly, Mingi is still weak but when he will feel better we will ask him, ok?

-Yes I think this is the best to do, said Yunho.

-San-hyung you might need some sleep, try to rest a bit, told Jongho.

-Yes I will.

San tried to get up but he quickly fell back on the couch. Yeosang came to him and held him by the shoulders to help him walk. He held him up to his bed.

-Thank you Yeosang, said San with a little smile.

-Try to sleep I will take care of your injuries after, he replied without a ounce of life in his voice.

-He was the one doing that when we were young...

-I know.

-I miss him.

-Me too.

-Why are you so cold when we talk about him? San had enough of seeing this Yeosang in front of him. He missed the joyful and happy one he knew.

-I'm sorry San but it hurt, it will always hurt. Once again, voice empty, eyes empty.

-What happened? San knew that this wasn't a good idea, he knew how much it had affected Yeosang but he was willing to regain his friend back, even if he had to push him around.

-Stop San.

-Why? Why did you never explained to us what happened? You were with him! His friend didn't looked in his right mind in this moment but maybe if he pushed him a little more...

-I said stop San!

Yeosang was burning out of anger. He backed away until he hit the wall. He was holding his head with his hands. Now he looked like a frightened animal. He didn't wanted to remember, those memories where too painful. They were his biggest nightmare.

-Why! Maybe if you talk that will save him!


Yeosang calmed down right after he had say those words. His vision was blurred by his tears, and his hands were shaking.
It hurt too much.
His breathing was jerky.
After a few seconds that felt like an eternity,his vision started to get clearer, and he could finally see the scene that was unfolding in front of him.

His hands were on San's neck, holding it tightly with so much strength. When he realised, he quickly let go of him before throwing himself on the ground looking at San with horrified eyes.
San fell on the bed, shaking and gasping for air. Hongjoong entered the room afraid of why he heard Yeosang scream. Wooyoung and Jongho right behind him. When they saw San on the bed Wooyoung and Jongho ran to him holding him and trying to get his breath back to normal. Jongho carried him to another room, Wooyoung still following him. Hongjoong and Yeosang still shocked in the same room.

-What is wrong with you!? Yelled Hongjoong.

-I...I didn't...wanted that... it... Yeosang wasn't even recognizable at this moment. He was shaking, making himself as small as possible.

-You could have kill him! What goes on in your head!? Hongjoong was scared. What had just happened to his friends? He never thought of Yeosang being capable of doing anything close to this.

-He talked about him! I didn't wanted that! I will never hurt him! Yeosang said crying.

-You just did! Control yourself Yeosang, what do you think he will think about you right now!?

-Don't talk about him please... I'm begging you... stop...

-Get some sleep Yeosang, we will talk later. Replied Hongjoong closing the door behind him.

-No hyung... don't leave me...

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