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Yeosang was running through the fire. Another explosion threw him to the ground, hands covering his ears. His heartbeat was going crazy, he thought that his end was near. Breathing heavily, he took a few seconds before standing up. But when he was on his feet a crowd of people running toward him yanked him once again on the floor.

Chaos. That was the only thing for the moment. The only word as strong as what was in front of him. Blood everywhere. Dead bodies surrounding him. Fire taking down everything he could. Smoke slowly killing those lucky enough to survive the fire.

Yeosang was weak. The suffocating heat made him shiver. He slowly got up on his elbows, raising his hurtful head.
Two people were fighting. They were separate from him by a sort of wall of flames. He couldn't see them clearly but when he finally understood his heart skipped a beat.

-Hongjoong-hyung! He screamed, but the oldest didn't heard him.

In front of him, Hongjoong was fighting with someone he knew all too well. The simple view of this man gave him goosebumps.
The masked man.
He heard heavy footsteps behind him and he knew someone was running to him. He turned around quickly but only found Mingi and Jongho. They came rapidly to their friend, helping him to stand up. They were so worried. But Yeosang did not worried for himself at all, his entire mind was on Hongjoong for the moment. He grabbed Jongho's wrist, pulling it as he look completely terrified.

-We need to help Hongjoong-hyung now!

-Where is he?! Asked Mingi without even thinking twice.

-Right there!

Yeosang pointed at the place he saw them just to find an empty spot. Nothing. He ran as fast as his leg could let him, ignoring the fire around him. He probably got burned while crossing the fire but his entire body was just like an old doll now. He couldn't feel the pain, just the urges to help his friend. He heard his two friends coming after him. When they reach the spot they only found blood. Sprinkles of blood. Mingi looked completely lost. They were both as they understood that this blood was their friend's one.
Jongho came to them holding something. A majestic golden sword. He gave it to Mingi eyes looking straight at him. Mingi took it, inspecting it closely. Then he raised his head meeting Yeosang and Jongho.

-« K.H & K.J »... That's grave on it.

-Kim Hongjoong, and probably his father, replied Jongho.

At the same moment another explosion detonated throwing the three of them on the ground. Yeosang passed out for a moment, he slowly woke up when he felt two arms pulling him up.

-Come on we gotta go! That was Yunho.

San was also here. The five of them ran until their breaths couldn't take it anymore. They stumbled to the floor, their legs not able to support them anymore. They were far away from the place everything had burned but they were not out of the village yet. They were on one of the forest surrounding the village.
They sat on the old woods strains, hiding themselves behind the leaves. For a moment only the sound of their breathing floated in the air. They were five where at first they were eight.
Seonghwa than Wooyoung than Hongjoong... " who's going to be the next."

Yeosang was thinking, the only thing he could do for the moment. His leg was badly hurt due to the explosion. When he fell on the ground earlier his leg got hurts by a huge stake of wood. Even if Yunho had succeed to freed him from it Yeosang could still felt splinters all around his wound. It was the evening but the heavy smoke covered every rays of sun, sinking everyone in the darkness of a fake night. Instinctively he moved his hand toward his chest, trying to calm his heartbeat. That's when he felt something hanging from his neck.
The key.

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