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-You? Nowhere dear...

Her scream crossed the air as her body fell into the water.

The man grabbed the helm and without a warn turned it full left, nearly making them capsized.

In the hold, the men fell hardly against the wall, the two friends hanging on the wooden post. They took that as a chance and started running back outside. They heard the men behind them, screaming at them to come back but in less than a few second they were already sniffing the fresh air. "Come back here you littl-" that's all they heard before the handle of a flag landed right in the man's face, followed by flintlock pistol's shots and the ridiculous and very unmanly scream of one of them jumping overboard.

The two friends were still at the same place, amused and a little taken back by what had just happened in front of their eyes. They just wished that the man had not the same intentions for them.

The relatively tall man approached them slowly. A small chuckle escaped his lips at the sight of the two standing figures in front of him. He brought an hand to his hood and quickly removed it, revealing a warm smile and a face that they had only seen a short time but already missed terribly.

-Glad to see you again mates. The man spoke happily, his smile nearly making his eyes disappeared.

-Ade? H~How did you survived? Mingi's voice was broken due to the shock.

Adewale was the last person he was imagining to find but he was more than happy to see him safe and sound.

-Long story my friend, but don't you dare underestimate me, I had been on the sea for the major part of my life! I know how to deal with this capricious beauty. He laughed, hitting Mingi behind his shoulder. So mates, what do you think about coming back to Ostendène, finding your dear friends, defeating the Fort and owning the island to mark the beginning of the rebellion? He arched an eyebrow, a small grin on his face.

He smiled even more when he saw the two friends quietly smirking at that idea. Ade jumped back to the helm and shouted happily to his -for the moment- two crewmen "Then let's go back to Ostendène, folks!".


The two pirates ships were fighting like lions, the Fort couldn't do anything at this point. The royal forces were overwhelmed by all those attacks, their adversaries knew too well how to destabilise someone. They knew how to handle that battle and shake them up to win.

The forces fell one after the other, leaving the Fort destroyed and empty of any reinforcement. The commander was forcibly brought to the Aurora and knelt in front of the captain.

Never in his life he thought that something like that would happened. He must be dreaming... that's all it could be. His excess of confidence and his lack of lucidity costed him his life.

If only he had listened to his mother's stories, if only he had not underestimated the legend, if only he had believed in it and had not joined the royal forces ... he could have survived

But there he was...

Kneel down in front of the captain of the legend, defeated and humiliated. Here took place the end of his life for the beginning of another. Here took place the lost of his life as a clear provocation against the royalty. And here took place the overthrow of power as a decisive turning point towards the end of a reign.

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