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This pitiful island that once was a true paradise, calm and restful. The beauty of its shores could even make the capital jealous. Nothing was naturally prettier than Ostendène.

A relatively big island of fishermen.

Its tall green trees surrounding the wooden village himself surrounding the square on top of the cliff. A beautiful square where a tall and meaningful statue was proudly standing.
Neptune... god of the oceans and protector of its inhabitants, venerated by any mindful mortals. Only the most stupid and devilry persons could think that they'll be able to outdo Neptune.

Unfortunately now nothing had to do with the yore Ostendène. Everything had been stormed by cannons, completely reduce to dust. The island was now just the perfect representation of misery and social divide.
The rich had everything and the poor nothing...
That's how everything was working. The men and women luckily being sons and daughters of  an wealthy family had nothing to worry about, only to silently appreciate the famine and the excruciating pain striking the poor. Watching with an amused eye those people fighting against their own lives only to survive, persuaded that those people had deserve it. The misery was an unknown word for them.

"Misery? It doesn't even exist!" They would said completely hilarious. "Those dirty souls deserve it, it's their chastisement for what they had done!"
They had no qualms, no sympathy, no empathy... they were the real dirty souls.

The streets of the lower part of the island were littered with lifeless bodies, decay, sewage spillage, abandoned animals carcasses and basically anything to provide diseases.

The Harbor was the only thing remaining clean. The pontoon was highly secured, guards watching with an piercing eyes the ships approaching the island, musket in hand.

By the way, one was currently approaching...

The guards quickly came to the mooring place. One man went down the plank, presenting himself to the armed men facing him. After a little talk to collect informations, the guards concluded that everything was in order, their permission to navigate was valid and the ship was proper. The guards came back to their original place, not minding the comings and goings of the sailors unloading the ship. They did not even noticed one of the sailors discreetly bypassing the pontoon, reaching the beach without anyone preventing it.

The young man leaved the ship behind him after, of course, a little accolade with his now good friends that he hoped to see once again.

He walked in the weirdly deserted streets, eyes flying from left to right, suspicious. At the windows of the pitiful dwellings, the young boy could see the terrified face of some men and women crying, quickly hiding when their eyes met the young boy's ones. The man approached one of the windows, which in reality was just a hole closed with a wire rack. He soon was in front of it, a young woman was hiding under it, he had seen her.
He could hear her crying.

-Hey... talked the young man softly. I'm not here to hurt you or anything else.

The tiny head of the woman emerge from behind the window, looking at him confused and scared.

-My name is Yunho. Continued the man, an hand closed to his heart while he presented the other to her. She slowly and apprehensively took it, shaking it a little as a response. Why are you alone here? What's going on, where are all the children?

The young girl squeezed Yunho's hand a little more, her eyes shinning in the now falling night.

-To the square... her voice was broken, filled with fear and tears were still rolling down her cheeks.

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