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« That is the end of our program, thank you for listening to us, we still remind you that the five young children are still missing, the police did not stop the researches yet. If you have any information please call this number.
Have a lovely, Saturday night. »


Every days were the same...
Waking up, brushing teeth, getting ready, waiting for 7:30 am hoping to see his best friends finally found. But nothing, like all the times. Three months. Three months that Hongjoong lost his friends. Three month that he need to act as the oldest. Three month that he's constantly hearing san and mingi crying. And three month that he hide to cry.
Everyone in school were looking at them as if they were guilty. They were looked like monster and all the child were scared to come closer, probably scared to have the same destiny as the five friends.
The bell rang.
Hongjoong took place on his seat.

Such a wonderful day, such as every day...


An old man was walking down the forest were he used to pick mushrooms. When he finally arrived at the edge of the forest he saw the little playground were he use to play as a child. His home wasn't far away, he was happy to reach home before the dusk. When his feet touched the sand of the playground his blood froze. Four child were lying down on the sand, nearly entirely cover in blood. The old man quickly check if there were alive and called the cops.

« Lady's and gentleman let's go straight to breaking news. Four of the five missing children have been found unconscious in an old little playground in Chongju. The children are alright but still refuse to talk about what happens to them. But one of them is still missing, Park Seonghwa... »

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