legend to reality

228 19 2

"Captain Kim Hongjoong..."

The young captain looked up as if he had heard the man, his eyes meeting his as a proud and confident smile drew on his face. The captain of the assailants ship removed his tricorn slowly putting it close to his heart, slightly bowing to the figure in front of him. The young captain smiled and a small laugh escaped his lips, watching the man's actions. He gave a small bow in return, closing his eyes, hoping that the captain could understand his sincerity.

The entire island was going crazy. Watching silently for some, celebrating loudly for others, but everyone with the same immense pleasant sensation of hope and strength growing on them.

They had waited for so long but finally their suffering would come to an end.

In the upper side of the island the ambiance wasn't quite the same...

Eyes locked to the ship, mouthes wide opened, frozen in place... The canon balls had fall from the men's grip, hitting the ground in loud noises. Everyone stopping, forgetting about the first orders of their commanders. "It's impossible..." was the only thing that succeeded to come out of the mouth of one of them. The others stayed still, their whole world crumbling down beneath them. They quietly watched the young captain's every single steps and deed, waiting for the moment where everything that had been gained by the Crown would got slashed away.

On the island, two little wandering souls were running in the now completely crowed streets. Clenched to each other they passed through them all, finally reaching one of the upper point of the island. Well one of the practicable upper poing of the island...

They both looked at the cause of this entire euphoria. Their eyes soon caught a majestic ship. Squinting their eyes, trying at least to see who was standing near the end of the bow, they legs went weak as they both understood who he was.

-He's alive! Screamed the youngest.

The oldest stayed quiet, every single one of his worries slowly disappearing finally seeing the familiar face of the young man. "He's alive..." he repeated to himself whispering. A small smile drew across his face and in less than a second the two friends were running down back to the nearest beach.

-Hurry up Yeosang! Shouted the youngest to the man a little bit behind him.

On the bottom of the island, near the Harbor, three other men were gathered with the rest of the people.

They had succeeded to reach back to the village, the kids behind them. They had forced every of the padlock on the houses, freeing the adults who did not waited any longer to rush toward the group of children, desperately searching for their own. The faces lits up, meeting the worried but alleviated eyes of the unique ones their loves. Unfortunately some other fell knees to the ground, crying like there's no tomorrow, like their had lost everything they had ever had, crying the name of their children. The three men had stayed quiet, watching silently the pain growing inside those poor people, without anything to do.

But this horrible moment had turned into a beautiful explosion of hope, of determination but also of course, of apprehension.

The three men were walking toward the beach, the pace of their steps getting faster and faster until their began to run toward the beach near the Harbor. They let the celebrations in the village and soon their leather boots touched the hot sand. Without paying attention, the oldest out of all of them turned to catch up with his friends. At the crossover between the last path and the beach someone bumped into him, making him and the young man fall. His two friends turned around, ready to beat up anyone that had attacked their friend until their saw the familiar faces in front of them.

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