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The seven boys were still in the forest, trying to get a plan to rescue their friend, when Jongho got out the compass from his pocket, handing it to Yeosang.

-I forgot, take it. Said Jongho

Yeosang took it smiling. He got his necklace and inserted the tiny key inside the keyhole.
A small hatch opened next to the keyhole. What seemed like an old piece of paper was foiled in it. Yeosang took it and read it out loud.

"From the purity of your souls
to the way you need to follow,
may this relic guide you to the path
of your biggest wishes,
Find your way in this desert and grave your names in the prophecy."

Just after he finished reading, the needles of the compass started spinning again and again without stopping. Yeosang let the object fall in the grass out of shock. The needle changed color and once again the letters changed too.

-That's exactly what happened to me! Said Jongho pointing the compass. The boys looked at him completely confused. I followed the orange needle, and it leaded me to you!

-How is this possible... mumbled Yunho.

-I don't know, but look, "to the way you need to follow" it's helping us! I'm sure!

San took the object from the floor and looked at it for a moment.

-Hongjoong... he said quietly.

-What? Asked Mingi a little confused.

-Right now, it's leading us to Hongjoong! It could only be him! Answered San while grabbing Mingi's arm.

San led Mingi after him, following the needle. The boys did not really had the time to react that the boys were already far away. They ran to catch them and succeeded to arrive at their high. The seven boys found themselves walking in the forest following the compass, only armed with four swords for the seven of them.


-Let's see if you're still gonna laugh...

The man nodded at the guards and the two behind Hongjoong grabbed him hardly by the arms, forcing him to stand. Hongjoong tried his best to get out of their grip but another came to him and punched him violently in the stomach. Hongjoong coughed and blood started coming from his mouth.

-Take him upstairs. Spoke the man firmly.

The two guards dragged Hongjoong once again. They passed in the corridor they had took a few minutes before and turned to reveal a huge entrance. The wooden door was nearly two times his height and another magnificent chandelier hanged from the high marble ceiling. Two stairs joined each other to create a splendid staircase ornamented with gold. The two men pushed him it the stairs, dragging him to the next floor. When they arrived upstairs everything was as expensive as downstairs. Marble, gold, luxury fourniture. They walked through a sumptuous white corridor decorated with whites doors, that should probably leads to chambers. Arrived at the end of the corridor, one of the man pushes a smaller door that curiously seemed more expensive than any others. Hongjoong's eyes widened as he saw what was inside. He tried to take a step back but they grabbed him once again and yanked him inside. They walked next to a column and Hongjoong started debating the best he could. But the two man succeeded to handcuffed him up to the rusty metallic handcuffs in the column. At the same moment, the captain walked in the room, followed by two other guards. He approached Hongjoong and grabbed his chin for the second time.

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