beginning of our journey

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The day of their departure had finally arrived.
Every single one of the villagers, adults and children, had reunited to say a final goodbye to the Jackdaw and his crew. Aboard, the captain Edward Kenway, his quartermaster Adewalé, his entire crew and the eight sons of the piracy. The Jackdaw had never looked this strong and proud before.
The crew was running everywhere. Weighting anchor, hoisting the sails, taking the last barrels on board...
Finally the proud ship started moving forward. One of the crew quickly kicked the plank that was connected the port to the deck. The villagers waved happily but nervously to the crewmen, knowing that this could maybe be their last time seeing them alive. Each one of the people present on the port graved that image in their head.
The Jackdaw was ready to sail the seas again after all those years. It did not age. Looking like a fresh and new ship. It moved away in the sandstone of the waves, gracefully. Slowly disappearing in the distance, just a close memory now.


Thankfully the sea was calm for the moment. The crew seemed happy to be aboard once again. Their smiles never leaved their faces. The atmosphere was weirdly leisured. The horizon was only a vast bluish spot.
This majestic sea, looking endlessly beautiful yet terrifying.

Hongjoong walked toward the captain's cabin, leaving behind him Seonghwa, still looking at the horizon. He passed between some crew members, analysing their movements, knowing that each one of them had their importance. He crossed the deck and arrived near the door of the cabin. He knocked lightly and a voice behind it allowed him to enter. He stepped inside before closing the door behind him.

-Ahh Hongjoong! Greeted Edward arms opened, you can take a rest Connor, he said putting an hand on his friend's shoulder.

The man walked to the door, smiling shyly at Hongjoong when he passed in front of him. When the door closed, Edward came toward the young man and gave an amical tap on his back.

-So, he began smiling, where do you wanna go captain?

Hongjoong laughed slightly before eyeing the man in front of him.

-Don't be silly, it's your ship, you're the captain. He replied.

-The prophecy talked about you a lot... he continued, ignoring the words of his friend, a small smirk at the corner of his lips. "The sons of the piracy" that's one badass name!

The two of them laughed and Edward walked to his desk, sitting behind it as he invites his friend to sit in front of him with an hand movement. Hongjoong obeyed and sat on the comfortable chair in front of the man.
For the first time since he walked inside the room, he looked at every single objects present in the cabin. From the beautiful telescope to the shining golden stuffs hanging from here and there, passing by the numerous maps nailed down the walls. The cabin wasn't that luxurious but it clearly was enough to satisfy the eyes of the young man, getting lost in all of the objects present. But unfortunately for him, he got cut off in his admiration when Edward spoke again.

-I suggest that, for the moment, we drop anchor to the Havane, he said pointing at one of the islands one the map, the Havane is a semi-liberates trading island. It will be the safest for us.

Hongjoong simply nodded, concentrates on the map. Some of the isles seemed to be separated by at least one or two days of navigation, he simply hoped that this wasn't one of them, he didn't really wanted to spent days on this ship. He looked closely at the map, remarking the name of some of the islands.
Nagoya, which he knew was the principal isle, The Havane, now their destination, Carentan, Ostendene, Nysted, Nauplie, Wicklow, and a lot more... but he did not saw their island. Edward must had see it cause he cut the question of his friend before he could even opened his mouth.

-Barbade is not on this map. We do not take the map were it appeared with us, it would be too dangerous.

-Oh i understand, replied the young man.

-So, the Havane is a practically safe place for us. It still is a rebellious and powerful place in our world. The Royal Navy kind of depend to the Havane. For the material supplies and things like that, so that's why they can not really ruled this island.

-And what are we searching on this island? Asked Hongjoong.

-First of all, this will be a sort of stopover. We'll need to make some provisions for the rest of the days. And second of all, we'll need to find someone that could tell us a little more about this prophecy.

-We just have this option?

-Unfortunately yes... mumbled Edward, but if we succeed to find someone, they could be a huge help for us, some elderly people knows apparently a lot about the prophecy.

-How many times separates us from the Havane? Asked Hongjoong.

-From where we are... he marked a pause while thinking, something like a day or maximum two. Hongjoong cursed silently, We'll need to be discreet. Some ships are still sailing the seas. The merchants ships, the corrupted pirate's ships, the Royal Navy and our brothers.

-Our brothers? Repeated the young man a little lost.

-Yes, the one still fighting with us. Some of them are inhabitants of our island that take off, and some others are still pirates or at least rebellious people who still lives in other islands. Edward explained. They're by our side.

Hongjoong nodded. He was lost but he needed to stay the calm figure for his friends and the other people that now were part of his life. He couldn't let the fear and the apprehension take over him. People trusted him.
The Royal Navy, that was his principal enemy...

The two men had stayed talking for hours and hours. The night had already fallen and everyone aboard was sleeping, except for the two lookouts. Edward had told everything he could to his new friend. Teaching him everything he knew. With just a few hours, Hongjoong knew the seas just as he had crossed them during his entire life. He knew everything to know about them, and even about the lands. Edward was surprise by the rapidity of how he managed to understand all of that.
After all of this, Edward decided that they had deserve to take a break. He walked near a terrestrial globe, he simply turned the structure and the globe opened itself in half, revealing what was inside. Glasses and obviously bottles of alcohol. He turned around and smirked at his friend.

-So Captain... may I serve you a little bit of beverage?

-If I decline do I have chance to get out of here intact? Laughed Hongjoong.

-Not at all. Replied Edward laughingly.


The nights aboard were cold and Yunho could testify. He was rolled up in the thing supposed to be a blanket yet he was still freezing cold. His friends were probably too cause from the corner of his eye he could see some of them trying their best to cover themselves. Despite all that, Yunho didn't wanted to complain, knowing that the eight boys were privileged on board. The eight men were sleeping in the place under the forecastle while the crew was sleeping in the hold, were the wood was even more damp.
He straightened up and waited a little before walking to the door. He needed a little bit of fresh air. While walking he remarked that Hongjoong wasn't in his bed, but he wasn't worried at all, knowing that there was no other place except the ship where he could be.
Yunho closed the door behind him and appreciated the cold night breeze. Filling his lung with that pleasant sensation. He walked on the forecastle letting his eyes rest on the splendid view. The night sky was gorgeous, entirely filled with shining stars. The moon in front of him was magnificent, looking like their guide in the night. The atmosphere was calm, nothing except the sound of the waves crashing against the ship's hull. Yunho closed his eyes, facing the horizon, appreciating the calm around him.
But he opened his eyes back widely when he felt a strong grip on his shoulder...

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