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It already been nearly two weeks since the boys started to search anything related to Seonghwa. But they didn't collect much informations.
The vanishing of the little boy named Park Seonghwa was already well buried in the memories. The boys were exhausted but determined. They would not let their friend behind, especially now that their hope was growing.

It was currently 11pm when Yunho decided to go to bed. Some of his friends were already asleep while some others were on they computers trying to find anything that could helped them. Usually Yunho stayed the night to help his friends but today he was very tired.
He entered his room, changed into confortable clothes and laid down under his blanket, falling right away in a deep sleep.


This voice, he was sure that he already heard it before. It was imperceptible just as if it was not in any languages on earth, yet Yunho understood it. It was just like a hoarse whisper that forced him in the darkness.
He couldn't opens his eyes, trapped in this dream. He fought against this unknown force and managed to open them.
He was in a small room completely covered with plastic sheeting, a desk and a light posed in the middle of the room. The walls behind the plastic sheeting were blue. The light was really poor but you could still manage to see.
Then he noticed him. What seemed like a young man sitting behind the desk. His presence was strong and intimidating. He was all dressed in black, a hat covering his eyes and a mask covering the rest of his face. Then he heard it again.


That same whisper that made him though he could go crazy just as hearing it.
The room started spinning again and again. Yunho lost his balance and fell to the ground. His head hurt excruciatingly. His nose started bleeding. He felt like someone was grabbing his heart and crushing it as hard as possible. Then everything calmed down, the room stopped spinning but Yunho was still on the ground trying to recover. His eyes were blurred by the dizziness. But he saw the man getting up, walking toward him. He raised his head to look at him but before he could say anything a sharp knife sank into his back, a muffled scream escaping his lips.

Yunho woke up in his bed soaked in sweat. He took a few minutes to lower his heartbeat that was going crazy. "This was too strange" he said to himself.
He then went back to sleep. Trying his best to not think about what had just happened. He finally fell asleep, brushing this nightmare out of his head.


The sun was up in the sky when Mingi opened his eyes. Today was Wednesday and he had made it his mission to go talk to "the old fisherman". The old fisherman was a well known man from the surrounding small villages. He was known as a withdrawn man but always with a touch of sympathy. He was one of the village elders.
Mingi took a shower, dressed up, got an old notebook that was lying around then left towards the old man's house.
Everyone were still sleeping so he tried to be as quiet as possible, but if he didn't blunder it wouldn't have been Mingi. He stumbled on a chair, freezing for a moment trying to hear if he had woken anyone. But luckily no one heard his din. He stepped to the front door, then closed it behind him leaving a sigh of relief escape his lips just as he had succeed one of the most complicated infiltration mission.
But his real mission had nothing to do with that.

When he arrived in front of the old man's house, which looked actually more like a shed, his excitement and his stress were fighting together trying to have the last word. He heard by a few townsfolk that this man was the one that found his friends in the first place. But it was ten years ago, and the memories of this man maybe had faded with the years.
He knocked on the door and a small yet powerful raspy voice came to his ears. "Who's there?", asked the man without opening the door.

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