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After more than an hour of walking and hiding from the Royal Navy, Jongho arrived near what was once their home. It was completely down. They were right, it was nothing more than ashes and dust. How was he gonna find the compass now?
Unconsciously, he walked near the rubbles. Seeing their house like that broke his heart. Everything had burned. Smoke continued to emanate from the wood. Jongho sighed, this was like searching a needle in a haystack. But he did not loose faith. He started searching under the debris, avoiding the places still hot.

Nothing. His hands began to hurt. Even while avoiding the fire this one was well present, slowly burning his hands. His entire body was freezing but his hands were burning hot. He started to feel a little dizzy but he did not stopped. He needed to find that compass and come back to his friends. He concentrated again and ignored the pain slowly taking his hands.


Jongho turned around, eyes widened. He was sure he had heard someone calling for him. He thought that the smoke was coming for his head.

"...Jongho, here..."

Once again. Jongho started to search where the voice was coming from. As he was turning on himself trying to find the source of the voice, he remarked something shiny under a lot of burned woods. He approached it and before he could grab it, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He quickly turned around, fists clenched, ready to defend himself. But he only found what looked like a couple, holding hands. They were both smiling warmly. Jongho didn't notices right away but the woman was softly petting his cheek. Jongho wasn't scared, instead he felt protected, reassured. The man got on his knees and started to get rid of the woods blocking the shiny object. Jongho joined him and together they succeed to free the object from down there. Jongho grabbed it and the hot metal nearly made him threw it to the ground. But he succeeded his mission, he had the compass. It was still shinning brightly even after the fire. He got up to thank the couple but they were already gone. "Weird..." though Jongho. But he did not linger any longer. He placed the compass in his pocket and started walking back to where he left his friends.


Hongjoong slowly opened his eyes. His head hurts him like crazy. He felt something cold dripping from his temple. By the smell of it he assumed it was blood. He tried to approach his hand to wipe it of but he couldn't move them. His wrists were tied hardly behind his back. He tried to move, to get away from them but they were too tightened. His feet were also chained to the wall. Everything around him was dark but he could still hear the sound of water dripping.

After a moment his eyes got used to the dark. He was on the cold ground of what seemed like a prison cell, but one of the wall was hardly damage, revealing sewers pipes. That was where the water was coming out. That's probably why those people chained him up , so that he would not tried to escape from the damaged wall.

Hongjoong's head was badly injured. The man had knocked him really hardly. He didn't knew for how long he had passed out but the blood still dripping from his temple made him though that it wasn't long ago... or that his injury was way more serious than what he thought. While he was thinking, the metallic door keeping the prison opened. Three men entered and came toward him. One freed him from his chains while the others held him, putting him up and dragged him along them. His hands still behind his back and his head still hurting him, Hongjoong couldn't do anything.
They walked up the stairs. Hongjoong took a few seconds to get used to the light. It was not a strong light but after being locked in the darkness for a long time this was necessary. When Hongjoong climbed the last stair he faced a corridor that looked like it was made of marble and gold. The ceiling was high and everything around him looked expensive, in contrast with the place he was sealed in. Still dragged by the men he arrived in a giant luxurious salon. The armchairs were made of gold and red fabric. The tiled floor shone brightly. The oriental rug supported a sumptuous glass and crystal table. From the ceiling hung a huge chandelier. It looked like a Victorian mansion.

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