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The two friends had succeeded to reach the ship in time. After a little quarrel with the captain due to the number of passengers not in accordance with what established earlier, and an additional amount of money given, the two men got on board.
The ship had sailed away, slowly becoming a simple point in the horizon. The boys knew it, it would take them a little more than a day to tread the lands of Ostendène.
Jongho trusted his dreams. He was sure that Wooyoung and Yeosang would be here. He could feel it.

Now he just hoped not to arrive too late...



The violent swell made the young boy loose his grip on the mast he was holding on.
He had closed the door and let them behind, but he knew this was for their best. The Royal Navy's ship was now closer and the bullets kept on flying through the air, sinking toward the pirate's ship, whistling just as a last warned before the collision. A storm was coming from the north and the winds started to get more violent.
The young man ran toward his new friend, on the main deck. He was talking to someone and the words the boy heard made his eyes widened.

-Captain what are your orders! Adewale said loudly.

Edward took a few seconds, just looking at the ship without a word. Then he turned back to look at his quartermaster.

-Give them... simply spoke the man.

-What! A~Are you sure captain? Adewale was completely confused. Why does his captain acted like that?

-The Royal Navy will reward us as it should be. Said the man with a smirk. We'll be richer than what we could ever imagined, the King will treat us as the ones who stopped the entire rebellion, taking down the wanted. Think about that Ade. It's our chance to get rich!

It took a few seconds before the man spoke up, slashing the words of his captain.

-Are you insane! That simple sentence confused the captain, persuaded that his quartermaster would listen to him without even trying to negotiate. We waited more than fifteen years for that and you want to betrayed them! You wanna be part of the corrupted pirates that all of us hates with our entire souls! He marked a pause, his eyes piercing the man in front of him. I'm sorry captain but I can't let you do this...

-Who said you had your word to say! Shouted the man, pulling out his saber, directing the tip of it just against his interlocutor.

The young boy, who witnessed all of that, did not wait any longer. Pulling his own saber out, running toward the two men. He violently removed the sword of the one he thought was his friend. Behind him, he heard Adewale running toward the captain's cabin, probably getting his weapons back.
The young boy was in front of the captain, both of them ready to attack. The man had a slight laugh, before he sank toward his assailant. The clashing of swords started becoming more and more loud as the two men got into a merciless battle. The captain was frustrated by the rapidity and the talent for the handling of swords of the young boy. The two men were now fighting on the forecastle, not a lot of people had seen them, and the one who did were absolutely terrified to interpose between them.
Suddenly the captain succeeded to grab the young man by his neck, pushing him against the rail, trapping the young boy between it and his body. The two swords just in front of them, fighting to know which one would win this wrestling. The boy kept on putting his entire strength, trying to get his assailant's sword away from his face, when he noticed it...
He had been too focused on the fight, not seeing the ship burning from nearly everywhere, including the room under him. The ground of the forecastle was burning, that's when he remembered his friends were still inside. He tried to escape the grip of the man but he just strengthened it even more.

-Scared for your friends "Captain"? Laughed sarcastically the man.

-Get away from me, you traitor! Responded the young boy, clenched teeth.

-Me? A traitor? It truly hurt my feelings that you could think something like that about me. The man was clearly mocking him. He was not the sympathetic and friendly man the boy had met a few days ago.

From the corner of his eyes he saw Adewale running toward them. But the captain saw it too and before the quartermaster had the time to reach them, he hardly pushed the young boy overboard before throwing his saber toward the man now completely in shock.
The captain and his old quartermaster were fighting, Edward was a better fighter than Adewale and soon the man got overwhelmed by all the man's attack. Beside them, the young boy was hanging above the unleashed sea. His hand grabbing the rail with his entire strength, under him the waves were raging, just as a merciless creature waiting for her next meal to fall directly in it's mouth.
The ship was completely burning and the Royal Navy's one with them. The young man was exhausted but gathered his last strength, pulling his body onboard. But when his head got above the rail he saw the quartermaster now laying on the ground. He did not had the time to react that the captain came to him, grabbing his collar and throwing him on one of the only spot not burning.
The boy tried to get up but this time the captain was faster. He hardly immobilised both of his arms behind his back as he dragged him to the now burning deck. The ship was slowly sinking and everyone onboard knew it, some tried to fix the things but they soon understood that this was useless. As a last hope they all jumped into the raging sea. This death was probably better than the one reserved for them if they stayed onboard. The bodies plunged in the sea, disappearing one after the other. There were nearly no one left on the ship.

The captain and the young boy arrived on the main deck. The man's eyes were burning with insanity and the boy asked himself if this person was really the one he had encountered earlier. But his thoughts got quickly bring to halt when the man threw him against the main mast. The young boy turned around but that's when he felt something pressing him strongly to the mast. His eyes met the captain's and this one laughed loudly. He turned around his victim as he tied him up against the mast. When he finally finished, he let the rope fell from his hand, as he watched the boy struggled to escape. The fire surrounded them and they felt the ship beginning to sank.

The captain addressed a small bow to the young man, letting him for dead, tied up to the mast of a burning and sinking ship. He ran toward the side of the ship before letting himself fell into the sea.

The boy kept on debating but soon an explosion in the wedge made him stop. He knew it was over...

It didn't took long until the ship completely exploded, slowly disappearing into the abyss, just as it never existed before.

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