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Yunho closed his eyes, facing the horizon, appreciating the calm around him.
But he opened his eyes back widely when he felt an strong grip on his shoulder...

He turned around quickly just to be calmed by one of the crew members. The man had now a soft grip on him and his eyes clearly showed that he wasn't ill.

-I'm sorry I didn't meant to scare you, spoke the man a little concerned.

-It's ok, replied Yunho smiling, an hand still close to his heart due to the fear.

-It's just that it's not really common, except for the Captain, to be here at night.

-Oh if that's a problem I can go ba~

-No no no, that's not what I meant don't worry, cut the man.

-Oh ok, simply replied Yunho.

An endlessly embarrassing moment took place between them, just looking at the horizon without a word. Yunho did not knew what to say to break the silence. He thought about getting back in his bed but for him that was too impolite. So he just stayed like that, sometimes letting a little sighted escape his lips expecting the man to continue the conversation.
Finally the silence broke when the man gasped loudly, eyes wide opened, before running to the main deck. Yunho turned around, following with his eyes the silhouette of the man. He crossed the deck, arriving near the mainmast where the alarm bell was hung. He rang it and the sound could rapidly being heard in the entire ship. The man screamed something and Yunho's heart missed a beat.

-Royal Navy! Royal Navy!


Yeosang was sleeping peacefully, dreams filling his night. His entire body was bundled up in the blanket, letting just the top of his head appeared. His respirations were slow and calm, as lovely and delicate thoughts danced in his head. He looked like a child, protecting himself with the blanket. If only he knew that his real monsters weren't far away from him...

The bell rang loudly and Yeosang jumped out of his bed, eyes widened. He looked around him seeing his friends in the same condition, completely lost. The first one who ran toward the door was Mingi, followed by the others. Just before they all came out of their room, Yeosang met the worried eyes of Wooyoung. He saw him swallowed, scared, probably remembering how his first meeting with the Royal Navy ended. Yeosang took his wrist, causing him to follow. The boys passed through the door, metting the chaos behind it. The crewmen were running everywhere. Lifting the canon balls at arms strength, loading them. In front of him he saw the door of the captain's cabin opening widely. Edward and Hongjoong getting out of it quickly. Edward seemed to scream something at Hongjoong, and the young man eyed the entire ship, searching for something. When his eyes met Yeosang's he ran toward them. Slaloming between the crew. Yeosang's eyes were blocked on his friend. When he arrived near them he shouted, trying to maintain his voice over the din.

-Go back in the room!

-What?! And you! Replied San.

-Don't worry about me! Go back in the room and stay hidden!

-We can't let you behind! Shouted Mingi.

-We don't have a choice! He paused a little, looking at all his friends, when his eyes widened and fear started growing in him. Where's Yunho?!

The seven boys gazed each other. Where was their friend? Tension now filled the air who was previously calm and relaxing. None of the boys had the time to react that a voice was heard by their side.

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