free island

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The sun had risen, everyone onboard of the two ships were awake, gathering on the decks. The shallops were set afloat, filled with the crewmen and their captains.

The night had passed quickly, dark circles under their eyes testifying it. But it still had been one of the warmest out of a long time. The night of the crewmen had been filled with dreams and beautiful thoughts and memories. Smiles were ornamenting their faces.

The captain and his first mate had spend the rest of the night on the forecastle, appreciating each other's company. They had continued to look at the horizon until an unknown form had arrived in their field of view.

A sloop.

A sloop was navigating toward them, a white flag floating in the air as a peace sign. At first both of them were tensed, expecting a snare. But their doubts had disappeared when three little faces were revealed by the light of an oil lamp.

Their smiles grew up as the three familiar faces had arrived onboard. The rest of the night had been just laughs, embraces and relief as the four friends were reunited again. Ade was smiling brightly at them and as an act of gratitude and thanks, Hongjoong offered to him a place onboard, among his crew. Ade did not hesitate a single second, shaking hands with the captain, happy to start everything again, happy to be part of the legend.

That simple thought made him smile again, in the tiny shallop filled with other members of the crew. A real family...

The eight friends were right in front of them. They shallop already treading the sand of the shore.

The eight graceful silhouettes slowly raising, their leathers boots touching the hot sand as the villagers walked forward slowly, almost scared to discover that everything that happened was all in their imagination.

The other shallops had arrived. Leaning peacefully on the sand, empty.

The celebrations had continued in the entire island. The upper side, where the debris of the Fort were laying, had been kept as an "political" place.

Three men extracted from the villagers had been chosen as the most able to fight and to protect the island along with the other pirates. The captain of the second ships, his crew and the three men were now the responsables of the island. They needed to keep it safe and assured a total protection for the villagers.

All of them had a solid talk with the eight friends of the legend. That meeting was necessary for the continuation of the rebellion.

-We have maritimes assets, we can defend ourselves. The canons are also in good conditions and the villagers have found entire boxes filled with weapons inside the Fort. We are armed. Spoke one of the men.

-We also have rations. We can continue and feed the entire island for a sufficient amount of time before sailing toward another island to restock. Continued the second one. But the farmers need more tools if they need to produce even more than before. They need to feed an entire island... it's gonna be hard.

-We will provide them. Reassured Hongjoong, eyes fix on the map on the table.

-Sir... things are gonna be harder and harder after now. Said the second captain as he walked toward the broken window. It might be a simple win for you captain, but for the Royal Family it's a direct attack toward the royalty and the "peace", like they seems to call that. His eyes turned around to look at the young man gracefully sitting on the almost burned chair. They're not gonna play gentle on us. They will try and end us as fast as possible so that none of what happened here would get discovered. Keeping the other islands non-informed is the best way to keep them out of the revolution.

-So we need to spread it, now. Mingi's voice resonated inside the stones room.

-Oh you can count on us, smirked the third man, sloops will sail toward the other islands, bringing with them the message of our saviours. The man insisted on that word, smiling at them. They will report the news and bring with them the spirit of the revolution.

-We trust you, answered Hongjoong, turning to look at his friends before reporting his attention to the man. We're letting you the total control on the island, feel free to contact us if anything wrong is happening.

The captain of the other pirate ship stood up, walking toward his fellow one, his crew was still behind him and the three men were waiting for any kind of commandement.

-Go and accomplish the prophecy Sirs, we got your back. He smiled putting an reassuring tap on the young man shoulder.

The eight friends smiled in return, touched by the heartwarming words of the relatively old man.

Hongjoong then turned around, facing his friends and his crew, walking in the middle of them, the compass in hand. He opened it and again, as everyone was waiting for it, the needles started spinning again and again at an frenzied pace, the letters changed and suddenly everything stopped.

The red needle pointing at their next destination.

-Guys... Head east! The captain's voice resonated in the room, strong and confident.

The crew raised an arm up, letting a sudden shout of determination leaving their mouths.

-Cast off the moorings, raise the anchor and hoist me these sails, we're off!

Another shout echoed before they all rushed toward the ship, letting the political reunions behind them.

Hongjoong turned around a last time, shaking hands with the captain before turning back to his friends.

The eight men heading toward their ship. Leaving with them a free island, but knowing deep down that all of that was just the beginning...

Their journey had just started...


Author's note:
Hi guys, sorry for the long absence. Like I said I had been really sick last weak and it had been hard to write.
Anyway thank you for having waited.

I just wanted to talk rapidly about a point that really worry me. I already talk about it long ago but I felt the urge to recall the subject.

Another thing that had kept me from writing last week was the motivation.
Recently I found out that a lot of my readers had lose interest in my story and had stopped commenting, voting and anything else, and I'm all the time noticing that some of you are reading frequently without interacting.
I know it might be boring and not necessary at all for you, I had felt like that too when I was just reading. But right now as a writer I understand the necessity of your returns.
It's really what motivates me to continue and write.

I'm not forcing you neither trying to pity you, simply explaining. If you have the time to leave a comment positive or negative as long as it's respectful, please do it.

Thank you for reading it, have a great week.

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