let us live

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The days had resumed their course.
All the same.
Again every single one of them were acting like nothing happened. Wide smiles on their faces but deeply hurt. They came to the conclusion that they will never see him again. It's over. They needed to live an happy life. They couldn't stop living for this... even if that broke their hearts.

Months passed by. Wooyoung's birthday was near.

The boys prepared him a huge surprise party. He was really happy. They're had a really great night, laughing, shouting and dancing like idiot.
Near 5:00 am every one went to have some sleep, but not Mingi and San who decided to go out for a little walk, not tired enough for the moment.

The air was cold and the little fresh wind frozed their cheeks. The atmosphere was calm. They passed 40 minutes walking and talking when they arrived at a crossover. They decided to turn left cause the other path was obstructed. This was a small alley at the back of some huge society.
Mingi felt weird, he wasn't confortable, but San didn't even note that. He was too absorbed by the calm of the place. Mingi's phone rang. He had a message from Jongho, asking him where they were. He decided to answer him, letting San took a few meters in advance.
He had an hard time trying to unlock his phone, his fingers were freezing. The cold wind of November crossing the air.

Typing rapidly an answer to his youngest, he pressed "send" when his ears caught a loud disturbing sound.
When he looked up from his phone his heart stopped.
San was nearly at the end of the road getting beaten up by six men. He ran to him as fast as possible and started hitting them as hard as he could. He had no idea what he was doing or even if he was hurting any of them but he kept on going, earning a groan of pain from one of them.
But unfortunately they were too much.

He soon joined San on the ground. Those men were laughing, shouting, and insulting them. But one man said something that he remembered before passing out.

« Really, that's his last hope?!»

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