hoist the colors

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The hold.

This cold and humid hold where the young man was chained down for a few days now that felt like eternity.
The royal guards had stepped on that rotten wood ground more than one time per day, violenting the poor boy.

But the brave and fearful captain had not leaved him. Keeping that proud and stoic face for his executioners.

No words had left his mouth, even after the hours and hours of torture... nothing.

No informations were given, not a single one.

Alone in the dark, the young boy had lost every notion of time.
Was it nighttime?
Which day were we?
Was he still chained in that hold?
Was all this even real?

Even the immeasurable pain had been erased.
Even the sensations in his body's members...

The young boy was just a puppet.
An empty doll.

Only his body remained.
His soul had already began to head toward the endless and peaceful sky, hoping for an end.
His eyes were shut and his breath was slowly slowing down, being the only sound audible in this humid prison.

The waves crashing against the hull of the ship creates a soft rocking, as accompanying the young man in his last long and eternal sleep. The wind outside, entering the small room by the ridiculously tiny holes in the hull, whistling softly just as a last rythme.

Soon his breath disappeared, and the whistling sound with it, leaving the room soundless and lifeless...


If you were at my place you would understand...

They never left us a choice
We were born with a mission,
with a goal to achieve,

We grew up knowing that the only reason they created us was to use us as a
weapon against you,

They never even tried to hide it,
No one cared even the slightest about us,
We were nothing,
Most of the times not even adressed by anyone!

Whatever they say,
we were children!

Children used as destructive weapons.

We had no power,
until we found you.

We started to understand how
destructive we could be toward you.
And we grew up like this.
With this envy and this hate toward the ones who succeeded to have what we dreamed of.

It's funny, I guess, that having such power over someone weaker than you, watching them begging for mercy,
and just REFUSING IT, then casually watching for their DEATHS

I won't let you forget me like they
did a while ago.
I want you to know that your misfortune his my happiness, that your death his my will to live.

That if you're here right now...

...it's all because of me...


The days were long.
So long, but the seamen had gained ground.
Their time of reflexion and their perfect knowledge of the sea had brought them to port, well before the Royal Navy.

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