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He's here I know it
I knew he would succeed to take advantage of me and comeback
But I thought it would be hereafter
I thought I had much time left before
But no

He's here
I feel it
I feel him

He want revenge
Just like the others
He's gonna call for them
I know it

I thought I could contain him
But I'm a simple mortal
And he's much more than that

I'm sorry Hongjoong
I know he wants you
He wants you to end everything
His creators asked for your capture
That's why they created them

They're made to find us
To capture us
To hurt us

To kill us


The night as come.

The entire day had passed without any issues. The heated sun and the beautiful island had warmed the hearts of the pirates. They had spend the day exploring and appreciating the gorgeousness of the landscape and the amiability of the people living there.

They had finally decided to head toward the ship. A good night of sleep was no denial.

The leathers boots rocked on the deck before walking toward the hold, everyone soon joining their hammock.

Hongjoong stood in front of his cabin's door. But something was off.
He felt watched...

He decide not to act confused or alerted, in way not to give the thing a reason to strike. He simply opened the door and stepped inside. Once in it, he grabbed his saber and hid behind the reddish curtain right next to the door, waiting for any sound or any sight to confirm his thoughts.

Very light and practically imperceptible.
The person was trying to be discreet.

The light in the captain's cabin was really dim, only the tiny flame of a candle was dancing, creating a warm but right now frightening atmosphere.

The young captain clenched his hand to his golden saber when he heard the handle slowly being pushed down. He could feel the relatively cold air on his ankles, the curtain frenetically shaking due to the wind.

The footsteps became heavier as the person stepped inside, only his breath filling the entire cabin. He stepped toward the hammock where a small form seemed to be asleep.

The person slowly drew their saber, trying to make as less noise as possible. In the silence of the night a small chuckle escaped their lips.

" Adieu captain..."

The sword sank in the fabric of the hammock, piercing it. A bunch of feathers flew in the air as the pillow that was once soft and cozy was now completely ripped open.

The figure's eyes opened widely, expecting to see a lifeless body more than simple feathers. They growled in frustration as they clenched more on their saber. But right before they had the chance to search inside the cabin, another saber sank toward them.

Their own blocking it and their eyes meeting the furious ones of the one they were searching for.

Hongjoong could see their face now and his heart skipped a beat, his eyes widened and the man in front of him took his confusion as an advantage. He pushed him hardly, tilting the scales, being now the one pressing the young captain against the hard wood of his desk. The man put much more strength and the two of them found themselves trembling due to their sort of push and pull battle with their swords.

Teeth clenched and an hand holding himself on the desk, trying not to fall backward, Hongjoong was completely pressed between it and the man's body. His chest was nearly crushing his own and the young captain tried everything on his will to get away from his assailant.

But this man was much more stronger than him, and he knew it.

This familiar figure torned by this malicious and sadistic smile. That beautiful face he used to admired and those arms he liked to felt around him, reassuring him and protecting him, now fighting to take his life appart.

Hongjoong knew it, he was strong, probably the strongest pirate alive, but he wasn't stronger than black magic...

The thing in front of him was nothing close to human. This thing was a demon, a malefic force taking the features of his friend. He couldn't fight against it.

The man put even more strength, approaching his saber more and more to the throat of the captain. As a last attempt to break free, Hongjoong hardly kicked the man's tibia.

In a relatively muffled scream, the man let go of him, taking support on the desk. He saw the little silhouette of the captain rushing toward the door, probably in way to ring the alarm bell.

He growled once more in frustration and yanked himself on him. The tallest man grabbed the captain with so much strength, gripping his waist and wrists. He threw him back into the room and stood right in front of the door, a proud yet malicious smile twisting his face.

-You really thought you'll never see us again, Captain?

-What the heck do you want from me?! The young captain had clearly enough of the man's provocations.

-They asked me to bring you to them and that's exactly what I'm gonna do.

In a blink of an eyelash, the man had jumped again on Hongjoong. He tried to free himself from the man's grip, debating as much as he could, but nothing was working.

The man let out a small chuckle right next to his ear, and Hongjoong closed his eyes, trying to collect himself and to not give in to panic. He needed to act smartly and quickly.

His eyes caught the lightly cracked wood of his desk. The first brutal exchange between the two men had already broke it and he did not thought twice...

His legs darted towards the crack and slammed with all their strength on the damaged wood of the office, it collapsed in a huge noise, making everything that was on it fall in the process, the whole thing created a deafening noise which almost resonated throughout the ship.

Nearly everyone asleep in the hold woke up immediately. Eyes wide open and a drip of sweat hanging from their temples. They saw the seven friends who were a little apart of them, running toward the wooden stairs. They instinct finally woke up and they quickly got out of their hammock, joining them on the deck as fast as possible.

Yunho was the first one to reach the captain's cabin, closely followed by Seonghwa and San. They tried to opened the door but this one seemed locked. Without hesitation, Jongho stepped forward and tried to open it with his own method. He shoulder kicked the door until it finally let go. His eyes were shocked and completely worried when they met a total chaos inside. The cabin was completely upside down.

But worst of it, it was empty...

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