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A dark figure that seemed to be at every corner of the room, that's how he would describe him. Every steps he'd make to try to escape as far as possible from him seemed to bring him even closer. He continued to run like he had never done before. But suddenly stoped when he entered a weird room.
The room was huge, painted in white. In every four walls were dark ways out. Four columns seemed to maintain the entire ceiling. But most importantly there was a sort of big glass cage in the middle of the room, above some small log of wood like to start a fire. A weird light emanated from the cage.
He didn't had the time to contemplate more, hearing the heavy and slow sound of footsteps coming behind him. He quickly ran to one of the way, but another man all dressed in black, still with his hat and his mask on, was in front of him. He turned around ready to run to another door when he realised that every ways were blocked by one of them. Then the one that was following him at first entered the room, so slowly just as a cat playing with his next victim. The four men begun to walk toward him trapping him against the cage. Then his view started to get blurred, his muscles losing him and making him fall to the ground. The four silhouettes above him.

"...You're ours..."
"...You will never escape..."

The same dream Yeosang already had a hundred times. The same scenario again and again. Those same people similar to the one he had seen when he was a child. The same sentences that he kept on repeating to himself trying to understand them. But every time it ended up the same, not understanding, then brushing it of as if it had never existed.

He was already awake for more than thirty minutes now, just looking at the ceiling still in his warm bed, thinking.
He heard the doorbell and got up putting on a oversized sweater to go open at the person who was ringing, knowing that his friends probably were still asleep. He entered the living room, the doorbell still ringing loudly, he began to feel annoyed by the situation.
He opened the front door and didn't got the time to move that someone grabbed him by the collar pulling him outside the house. Yeosang started debating, kicking the man and trying to escape from the man's grip.

-Let me go! He shouted still moving like a mouse in the paws of a cat trying to escape his fate.

The man slightly laugh, holding him with so much strength that Yeosang could barely breath. Yeosang keep on debating putting all his strength to try to escape, but nothing worked. The man started to get frustrated by his action and punched him in the stomach making him incapable of protecting himself due to the pain. He looked at Yeosang straight in the eyes.

-Finally found you.... The man said looking straight at Yeosang eyes that were now petrified in fear.

The man pulled out something from his pocket and Yeosang heart stopped while his brain shouted at him to run, remembering the traumatic scenario from ten years ago.

A syringe...

-NO! Let go of me!

Another punched got thrown in his stomach and the young boy fell back. The unknown man took that as a chance and pulled the syringe closer to his neck. Yeosang eyes shut down a tear rolling down his eyes expecting to be stab by the syringe, expecting to relive the same nightmare he had lived when he was a child.
Then the man felt hardly on the ground being pushed by someone.

-Get away from him! Shouted Jongho.

The youngest was in front of him, facing the man still on the ground. Yeosang felt warm arms wrapping around him, pulling him away from everything. Making him entered the house while he was looking at Jongho Yunho and San keeping the man on the ground. The one that was pulling him entered his room and closed the door behind him making all the noises disappeared.

-Yeosang! Oh my god are you okay? Asked Wooyoung worried.

But Yeosang was still too shocked to talk, looking in front of him with wide eyes and a heavy breathing. Hongjoong was here too. He sat next to him pulling him into a hug. That's the moment where Yeosang cracked up, crying every tears he had keep to himself those entire years in the shoulder of his friend, Wooyoung patting his back.

-It's gonna be okay, I made you a promise, said Hongjoong still holding Yeosang.

Fifteen minutes.
It was the time where Jongho and San were holding the man and Yunho was asking questions.

-Who the hell are you!?, he shouted out of frustration by the non reaction of his interlocutor.

The man was just looking at him, smirking. He was not scared, not angry, just looking at him with that disturbing smile. Then he finally opened his mouth, but at that moment Yunho would have preferred he'd never dared to speak.

-I'm no one... he replied, clearly provoking them. I mean no one in this universe. But when you're gonna come back, you will understand who I am. He started giggling a little just by seeing Yunho's lost face. We need to end this, to end this hope growing in them, to end this faith they have in this stupid sage!

-For god sake what are you talking about! Shouted Jongho out of despair.

Jongho let go of the man enough for him to escape the grip of the boys. Running to the main road he shouted still with that sadistic smile.

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