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Wooyoung... They called him Wooyoung.
But it's impossible.
No no no! It can't be him! NO!

Ten years... ten years... ten years...

Ten years right now, ten years that I pray every night for them to be okay and far away from here so that they would not succeed to catch them.
Ten years that I pray for their ends to not be the same as mine.
Ten years that I hope that they had forget everything and lived an happy life without those things.
Ten years that I hope they had succeed to come back. But no... They're here, and those bastards are going to win if we don't fight back.
No I need to do something.
If it's really him then I need to protect him, like I tried ten years ago.

I will not let them hurt Wooyoung,
I will not let them hurt any of my friends,
Cause I know they are looking for me,
And we're gonna come back,

We're gonna bring that prophecy back to life.


Hongjoong was on the couch. The boys were all asleep for hours now, but he couldn't sleep. He was thinking. Thinking about everything that happened. All those years of lies. He came to the conclusion that nothing in his life was real. He had cried during that night. Cried out of frustration. Why couldn't his life be like anyone else's? He never dreamed to have such a life when he was a child. He never even dreamed about adventures just like the other little boys. He just wanted a calm life with his family and his friends. But none of this was real now.

The night began to fade away. Hongjoong got up from the couch, took his coat and shoes and went outside. The young man walked in the calm of the night. Not even the wind tried to break the silence. They seemed to be in a perfect harmony. His hands in his pocket, he was playing with the piece of paper he had kept with him.
From the corner of his eyes he saw the waterfall. He did not even noticed for how long he had walked. The waterfall was an isolated spot at the border of the village. This place was gorgeous. The waterfall plunged into the ocean. The cliff showed a mesmerising view of the horizon. Hongjoong stepped toward the waterfall just as hypnotised by it. Something was shinning behind it. He approached his hand slowly, he could feel the freshness of the water from there, but suddenly something caught his wrist, pulling him through the water. Hongjoong fell a few meters behind. He quickly got up ready to defend himself from whoever had done that.
But he only found a beautiful woman carrying a lantern at arm's length. She was dressed really beautifully, her old dress seemed to come from old movies. She looked like an noblewoman. Her long red dress made her look even more gorgeous. The dress looked like an old renaissance one, red and black.

-Are you... Mary? Tried Hongjoong.

Her neck was adorned with a sumptuous pearl necklace. She wasn't that young but each line of her face seemed trapped by time. On the ground was a black hood. The woman looked at Hongjoong for a long moment before walking toward him. Curiously he wasn't scared at all by her presence. She reached him and for a moment she kept on examining every part of his face, smiling warmly.

-You grew up Hongjoong... spoke the woman with such a sweet tone.

Hongjoong finally got out of his reverie. He looked at the woman straight in the eyes. Trying his best to remember her. But nothing.

-Your parents would be so proud to see the handsome man you became.

Without even noticing Hongjoong let a tear rolled down his cheek. The woman saw it and her smile slightly faded away. She raised her thumb and let it rest on Hongjoong's face, wiping the tear at the same time.

-Don't cry, she said still with that soft voice, they're here, with her other hand she showed what was surrounding them, they will never leave you Hongjoong. They loved you with they entire heart and they will always love you. They fought for you and they will never leave your side.

Hongjoong's eyes meet the woman's and she smiled again. Her presence was reassuring. She let out a practically unnoticeable sight, and lowered her head.

-This battle will forever be in the memories of our entire world. She chuckled a little. The biggest pirate ever seen and his well known crew... Fighting to save the freedom of the poor and the rights of every social classes...Before that battle everyone lived in peace, the seas and the lands were one, and their residents too. Her eyes darkened. But they arrived... guided by their thirst of power.  They killed everyone, and Nagoya was left to die. What was once the beautiful and peaceful capital of our world is now ashes and dust. And their residents are torture by those bastards so that no one will ever tried to follow the steps of your father.

-« they »?, repeated Hongjoong.

-Yes, the ones who wanted the power more than anyone else. The ones who made our life a nightmare. The ones who sold freedom for destruction... she said mockingly, The well known Royal Family and they lackeys the Royal Navy. Her eyes were filled with rage. They didn't appreciated that everyone could live without anyone controlling them. They didn't appreciated that the social classes were mixed up. During that battle I lost my dear husband, he was a crew member of your father. Yes he was a pirate and I was a noblewoman, and no one were shocked about it, cause everybody were the same even if your social classes were different. Her eyes meet Hongjoong for a second time. That war between the Royal Navy and all the residents of our world actually began way before that battle. Six years before exactly. But all of the pirates came in term and all fought for us. Then your parents had a baby, just like their closest friends, who were also members of their crew. They knew that you were the new target of the Royal Navy. The descendants of the most prestigious pirates. And during that final battle, the Royal Navy had advantage. They were so many... she lowered her head but Hongjoong could still feel the anger raising in her, They had attack so many pirate ships and had captured so many of them. They had made a deal with them; side with the Royal Navy and abandoned they pirate tittle... or being hung and their entire family with them. Some of them resisted keeping their head up and decided not to betrayed the one they had dealt with, but the majority accepted. The Royal Navy and their new troopers attacked the ship of your parents. And I think you can guess how it ended...

-I wanna hear it. Said Hongjoong firmly. His presence had completely change, his aura was way stronger than before.

-I... I don't know if that's a good ide~

-I said I wanna hear it.

The woman looked up, and for a moment she swore she could see his father. He was not scared, not sad, not lost, just guiding by a burning rage creeping inside of him.

-Alright, she finally said after a moment, just after you escape they succeeded to assault the ship. They killed everyone who was resisting... They captured the captain and made everyone dropped the weapons. They made them all prisoners. After their judgment they were all condemned to hang. A single tear dropped from her eye. When that day came everyone was forced to go see the hanging of the crew. We were forced to look at our last hope go. They made the captain come first making all of the crew watch their captain being taken down. When he walked to the dais he was chained up and they forced him to his knees. The "King" came and after giving his speech about your father being the captain of an revolution against royalty he snatched the eye patch of your father and raised it as a win against him. Then they dragged him to the rope. They tide the knot while he was looking at all of us, proudly, like he had always be. Even facing the death your father was the bravest man alive. She had a tiny grin on her face when she said that. But one of the man came toward the lever. And when he pulled it down your father screamed something that will forever be in all the minds...


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