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The assault had started.

For more than a hour, the boys had walked in the forests along the village, following the compass. They arrived near a majestic mansion in the middle of nowhere. They knew that their friend was in there. They knew that they needed to save him.
They had stayed in the brushes for a few minutes, trying to elaborate the best plan.
For Yunho and Mingi, attacking in the front was the best idea. But for the rest of them it was way too dangerous. Attacking them head on will result in their loss, and Seonghwa knew it way too well. They would need to be sneaky if they didn't wanted to get caught.

The mansion was well guarded. The men were all armed and focused on the slightest movement. But Seonghwa knew how to deal with this.
During those ten years, he had met a lot of prisoners. From this world or another, he couldn't tell. But he knew that those people were all condemned to death. In all of those people, he remembered one. A young man, covered in scars and blood. He only stayed with him for a few minutes. Then he never saw him again.
When the guards threw him in the prison cell, the man had rushed to him. He had gave him something. Something that helped him escape. A small blade. The man had tear out a small blade hidden in his sleeve, and had hooked it to Seonghwa's wrist. The blade was nearly invisible, well camouflaged. When the men came back to take him to his death, the man had screamed something. "You need to survive!", Seonghwa will never forget his words. For the years that separated that moment to the moment he escaped, Seonghwa learned how to use it.

The blade had a small yet genius mechanism, unsheathing and sheathing the blade. With that Seonghwa could also shoot really small blades, just like a little crossbow.

In all of them Seonghwa was maybe the most discreet, followed by San and Yeosang. And he had a plan...

After introducing his plan to his friends they all agreed, and the assault finally started. They all separated, encircling the mansion. Seonghwa was the first to attack. He had quietly bypassed two of the guards, arriving behind them. With his hidden blade he had succeeded to take them down without making a sound. At his left he could clearly see Jongho taking down two other guards. That's at this moment that the five others ran inside. Mingi, Yunho, San and Yeosang had the swords. Outside, Jongho and Seonghwa stole the dead guard's sabers, taking one for each of them and a third for Wooyoung.  Jongho and Seonghwa had achieved their part of the plan. Taking down every guards that were outside. They quickly joined their friends inside.
Swords clashing and screams. That's the first things they heard. They ran toward the screams only the find a rough fight being led. Jongho threw the saber at Wooyoung and came helping him. Dead bodies fell to the ground, fortunately none of them was one of the boys.

In all of that, they all could measure their skills. Yunho and Mingi excelled at saber, nothing seemed to touch them. Between them Mingi was the fastest while Yunho was the strongest.
San was also well skilled with sabers and daggers. More discreet then the other, he clearly knew how to get out of his enemies sight and come back when they expected it the least.
Jongho was the strongest between all of them. He was quick and knew how to use his strength as an advantage. Fighting without any weapon wasn't a big deal for him, but he was nearly untouchable with a sword in hand.
Seonghwa was the most discreet out of all of them. His ennemis did not even had the time to see him that they were already on the ground. He wasn't the best with a saber, but his blades were enough for him.
Yeosang was amazing with the flintlock pistol he had found. He was really methodical and discreet, observing every moves of his prey before striking. Using a saber was also pretty easy for him. He was excellent when it comes to defending.
Wooyoung had a things with guns. Muskets, flintlocks pistols weren't a problem for him. He was an incredible gunner. Precision was his main point. During that battle, he did not missed any of his targets. Unlike the other boys , Wooyoumg wasn't good with a saber, not knowing how to properly use it for the moment.

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