the Havane

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Left, right, front, adorn, attack.

The same pattern again and again since this morning.

Seonghwa was incredible when it comes to discretion, he was an ace to blend into the crowd and attack his target when it least expected it. But in front attacks, the first mate was lacking. His main point wasn't his skills at handling a saber, and it showed. The young man was used to take his victims by surprise, being right in front of them was a huge disadvantage for him.

That's why, this morning, Yunho and Jongho had decided to give a little saber lesson to him. But the two of them knew it... it would take more than one lesson for him to survive to a front attack.


Left, right, front, adorn, at~   Splash!

Yunho and Jongho ran toward the railing, eyes wide opened by what just happened. They looked overboard just to see the head of their friend emerged from the water.

At first the two friends were just laughing at the unfortunate situation their friend had just put himself in, asking themselves how the hell did he managed to fall into the water three meters behind him while attacking in front of him, but as the ship was rapidly getting away from the swimming man their laughter gave away to panic.

This is how Jongho found himself running across the main deck, shouting "man overboard!".

The main deck became in a blink of an eyelash what could describe chaos in a best way.

The anchor was quickly dropped and ropes were thrown toward the first mate. That's at this exact moment that Hongjoong and Yeosang got out of the captain's cabin, confused about the sudden agitation. Leaving their quiet and intelligent conversation about important things for screams and restlessness.

The captain walked toward one of his crew members, asking him what on earth was happening and if everyone was okay.

-Well everybody is okay captain... even if  one of them is a little... wet...

-Wet? He repeated confused.

The young captain turned around just to see his first mate completely soaked, looking down at his feet while the rest of the crew were laughing not that quietly at him.

He took a deep breath before looking up and shouting.

-Back to work! Who told you you could stayed right here doing nothing!

Everyone jumped before running back to work, letting the man with an adorable frown expression that was supposed to be frightening. His patience wasn't his main point too...

The captain walked to him, a clear smile on his face and a small chuckle escaping his lips.

-How did you even do this? He laughed.

-I don't wanna talk about that. Seonghwa replied, walking away toward his shared "room" to change his soaked clothes.

-Dear god... Hongjoong mumbled, shaking his head still with that small smile.


A sudden shouted echoed, coming from the lookout, making everyone rushed toward the railings. The captain followed them.

A beautiful piece of land was emerging at larboard. This one seemed larger than Ostendène, richer too.

According to Yeosang this was the Havane. A merchant island semi-free. The inhabitants had succeeded to make a deal with the Royal Navy. An almost complete freedom in exchange of a regular supply of powder, cannons and weapons of all kinds. Therefore this island didn't had to pay astronomical amount of takes and rent, that's why the aspect of it was richer and cleaner than the other islands. They weren't treated the same.

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