~All About The Heart~

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When Patton wakes up, it's oddly quiet in the mindscape. He grins and jumps out of bed, pulling on his normal attire and rushing to the kitchen to work on breakfast.

The other sides are not the be seen anywhere around the table, which is odd because they're all usually up and about by the time he finishes making breakfast.

He walks to the stairs and calls up to them.

"Virgil! Logan! Roman! It's time for breakfast!" He shouts.

No reply.

He hums in confusion, going back to the food and taking it off the hot pan so it doesn't burn while he goes to explore.

Patton walks upstairs, humming the Pink Panther theme song on the way up.

He looks into each room.

Logan's room is eerily empty and dark, everything tidy as it always is.

Patton gets even more confused before moving onto Roman's room.

Roman's room is also empty but Patton isn't very surprised. Roman often goes to the Imagination to save a castle or something like that.

Patton makes a note to check the Imagination as well.

Virgil's room was last. It was even darker than Logan's room and, very surprisingly, had nobody in it.

Patton frowns but closes the door.

Where could everyone be?

He goes back downstairs to check the Imagination for Roman and, maybe, the others as well.

When he tries opening the door, he finds, to his complete and utter shock, that it's somehow locked.

Patton knocks on the door.

"Roman? Logan? Virgil? Is anybody in there?" He asks. A few moments after, a lock clicks and the door cracks open, showing Roman's red eyes.

"Yes?" He asks. Patton stares in confusion.

"What are you doing in there? Why can't I see?" He asks, trying to see past Roman's head.

"Nothing! We- I'm not doing anything!" He says, blocking my view more.

"We? Are Virgil and Logan in there too?" Patton asks. Roman sighs.

"Yes, their here too," Roman says. Patton huffs, crossing his arms.

"Why can't I see?" He asks. Roman looks behind him.

"You will be able to, I promise," Roman says, looking back at Patton. "Do you trust me?" He asks. Patton sighs.

"Yeah, I trust you," Patton responds. Roman smiles.

"Great. Go eat breakfast. Me, Logan, and Virgil already ate. When your finished, come back in your onesie and knock three times." He says. Patton hesitates but nods.

"Alright. Be safe." He says. Roman closes and locks the door back and Patton sighs, going back to the kitchen where the eggs are already slightly cold.

He puts them into the microwave and heats them back up for about 15 more seconds and starts eating.

He goes over all the things that they could be doing in there but none of the reasons seems to make sense.

Patton feels a bit lonely, eating all alone but he figures it will probably be worth it in the long run.

When he finishes his eggs, he puts his plate into the sink, rinsing it off quickly. Then, he washes and dries his hands before snapping into his onesie.

He quickly goes back to the Imagination and knocks three times, like he was told.

The door opens by itself and Patton walks into the hushed, dark room.

He looks around, confused, before the door slams shut and he shrieks.

Suddenly, all of the lights turn on to show that he is standing in front of a large table with balloons, cupcakes, and cookies.

Patton grins, covering his mouth when he finally pieces together what's happening.


(uwu we getting shit done quickly because I'm having ideas so I'm writing short, bad chapters to get them done-)

(618 words)

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