--~Skip.(implied LAMP)~--

427 17 7

(This prompt h u r t e d me-)

Tw. Depressing thoughts, sad Logan hours

(You thought this was Patton angst? No. I just did one. Gotta wash it over-)

Logan sits on the couch reading a book. He hears Patton excitedly going on and on about something that Logan doesn't care to listen to.


Talks too much.

That's why he skipped him.

Why he forcibly shut him up.

Usually, they would just ignore him.

That would hurt but this was so much worse.

This ached.

This wouldn't stop hurting.

Suddenly, he hears his name.

"Logan! Logan, did you know-" Patton starts.

However, Logan cuts him off all too quickly by slamming his book shut. The sides stare at him in shock. He doesn't look up.

"Skip." He snaps, before standing up and storming off to his room.


Logan sits in his room on his bed, staring at his wall without emotion.

Suddenly, there's a knock on his door. He sighs, knowing he can't avoid the others forever after that stunt he pulled.

He stands up and walks to the door, opening it and coming face to face with Patton.

"Logan-" Patton starts. Logan doesn't let him finish his sentence before cutting him off.

"Skip." He hisses before slamming the door in Patton's face.


Logan finally walks back out to the commons where all the other sides are sitting on the couch.

As soon as Patton sees him, he jumps up.

"Logan-" Patton tries again. However, he gets the same result.

"Skip," Logan says harshly.

"Logan would you get over yourself and listen to him?!" Virgil shouts, standing up as well.

Logan stops in his tracks.

"Wow, you really don't understand, do you?" Logan asks, not looking at them.

"... What?" Virgil asks.

"Of course you all don't! You all are actually listened to! You are taken seriously! Your ideas don't get shot down the moment they leave your mouth! Because you all are actually interesting! All I am there for is to provide information! And if the information isn't needed, I'm ignored! Do you ever wonder how that makes me feel?!" Logan shouts at them, tears welling up in his eyes. They all stare at him in shock. The moment the last word leaves his mouth, his eyes widen.

"Logan-" Patton tries again.

"Skip!" He shouts, voice cracking.

And then, he's gone.


Logan lets tears stream down his face.

How could he be so stupid?!

He just let the others know everything!

He let them know that he has feelings!

There's suddenly a knock on his door.

"Skip! S-skip all of you!" Logan shouts. He wipes his eyes roughly.

The door opens.

"I said skip! Get out! Go away!" Logan yells, his voice getting weaker.

"Logan..." Patton says softly, walking over to him.

"S-skip... I don't want to h-hear from you..." Logan says, trying to be firm. "G-get out."

"Please, Logan, we want to-" Roman starts.

"No! I-I don't want t-to hear it! How come y-you're allowed to ignore m-me but I'm n-not allowed to ignore y-you?!" Logan shouts.

"Logan, we're sorry," Virgil finally says. Logan is silent for a moment.

"Th-that's a first..." He says quietly.

"We should've said it before, Logan. It wasn't okay to shut down your ideas before we knew what they were about." Patton says. Logan finally lets him speak.

"I... I'm s-sorry..." Logan says quietly. "Th-that was r-rude and I-"

"Logan, you don't have to apologize. We're the ones who need to apologize. You had every right to do that and we didn't." Virgil says. "If someone was rude to you, you have every right to be rude back."

"Come on, Specs, do you want to watch a documentary?" Roman asks. Logan looks up at him, a smile creeping onto his face.

"R-really...?" He asks.

"Yeah! I can make hot chocolate!" Patton says happily. Logan slowly looks down before letting out a small sob.

"I- Th-thank you..." He says softly. Virgil, Roman, and Patton pull him into a hug and he instantly hugs back.

"You're welcome, Lo. Come on. Do you wanna watch a space documentary?" Virgil asks, patting Logan's back. Logan nods, pulling away and wiping his eyes.

"That would be nice..." He says.

Roman walks Logan to the commons to pick out a documentary while Patton makes hot chocolate and Virgil gets blankets.

Then, they all cuddle up to the logical side and watch the space documentary with him until he falls asleep.

(760 words)

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