---<Relationship Standards(Toxic Logicality)>---

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(I know. I said I was gonna take a break but now I don't wanna because now that's what everyone is telling me to do-)

Tw. Forcing people into consensual sex, u!Patton, abuseeee

Logan doesn't know how relationships are supposed to work.

He's never been in a relationship before he and Patton go together, so he assumes that Patton knows more about relationships.

And so he never questions anything that Patton forces him into.


(Eiji: What if Kai chopped his hand off?
Anxiety: What if you shut up and wrote?
Kindness: What if you took a break like you said you would?)

Logan gets a knock on his door. He instantly gets up, laying his pencil down and hurrying over to open the door. Logan isn't even able to say anything before he's shoved up against his wall by Patton.

The door locks and Logan stares up at Patton in fear.

"Lo, I think that it's time we took our relationship to the next level," Patton says.

"I- um... Wh-what do you mean...?" Logan asks shakily. Patton sighs, still holding Logan's wrists to the wall.

"Sex, Logan. I mean sex," Patton says. Logan goes red.

(Eiji: Yeah, Logan, get with the program-

"I-I don't know... If I w-want to do... Th-that..." Logan says, looking away and trying to pull his arms away from Patton's grip. Patton gives a small chuckle.

"In relationships, sometimes you have to step out of your comfort zone to make your partner happy." He responds. Logan slowly looks up at him.

"R-really...?" He asks softly. Patton nods. Logan hesitates before responding. "O-okay..."

Patton smiles before pulling off Logan's tie and shirt. Logan holds his arms in front of his chest awkwardly, avoiding eye contact.

However, Patton pulls his arms away and pins them back to the wall, making Logan whimper and squeezes his eyes shut as Patton begins kissing roughly at his neck. He reluctantly moves his head out of the way, not making any noises of enjoyment.

Patton growls and bites down on his neck, only causing him to yelp and try to push himself further back against the wall. He huffs, pulling away and pulling his cardigan and shirt off.

Logan doesn't look at Patton at all. He stares at the ground, fidgeting nervously with his hands.

Then, Patton grabs his hands and drags him over to the bed, pinning him down again there and making more marks on his neck.

Logan whines, wanting to push Patton off but also wanting to make Patton happy.

Patton's hands trail down and slip under Logan's jeans, making Logan jump violently. Patton pulls aways, smirking and pulling down Logan's jeans and boxers.

Logan instantly squeezes his eyes shut, not wanting to look at himself.

However, his eyes shoot back open and he yelps when he suddenly feels Patton's fingers in his ass. Patton gives a short laugh.

"You like that~?" Patton asks. Logan tenses as they move inside him.

"I- n-not really..." Logan forces out, gripping onto the sheets tightly. Patton frowns at that, pulling his fingers out. Then he pushes off his jeans and boxers. Logan instantly looks away.

"I didn't bring lube, so it'll either have to go in dry or... You could suck it." Patton says. Logan reluctantly looks down at Patton's cock.

He hates the idea of having it in his mouth but the idea of it going in dry pains him to just think about.

So, he takes a breath, pulls off his glasses, and squeezes his eyes shut before quickly taking it into his mouth.

-I'm about to get really descriptive so if you don't want to learn how to suck a dick then you can just skip this part-

Right off the bat, Logan hates it.

Logan can taste the precum on the small amount of Patton's cock that he forced into his mouth and he is not fond of the taste of it at all.

Patton lets out a moan, threading his fingers through Logan's hair before suddenly shoving his head down further.

Logan lets out a surprised shout, the tip of his cock touching the back of his throat. He gags, trying to pull back off.

However, Patton just presses him down further. Logan whimpers, tears coming to his eyes as he gags again.

Finally, Patton pulls him off.

-Alright its over, you can look again-

Logan gasps, wiping his eyes and pushing his glasses back on. He gulps, shuttering as he realizes he probably just swallowed precum.

"Logan, you are not good at sucking dick," Patton says. Logan looks away, biting his lip.

"You didn't t-tell me how to d-do it..." Logan says quietly. Patton sighs.

"Whatever. It's fine. Just lay down." He says. Logan reluctantly shifts so he can lay back comfortably.

A few moments later, Logan feels Patton push himself into him.

Logan yelps, the only thing he can feel being pain.

"P-Patton, it h-hurts." Logan whimpers out, shouting in pain when Patton begins moving.

"Mm... It's supposed to." Patton groans out. Logan tries to pull back but Patton just follows him.

"N-no, Patton, pl-please, t-take it o-out, it r-really hurts!" Logan cries, gripping onto Patton's arm. Patton just growls.

"Do you always complain this much?" Patton snaps. Logan opens his mouth to respond but suddenly, Patton is slamming into him.

Logan cries out in pain, tears rolling down his face. Patton still doesn't stop, making him let out sobs.

After what feels like forever, Logan feels something else inside him, making him yelp. His body makes him climax, making him feel absolutely disgusted.

Patton finally pulls out, leaving Logan tense and crying. Patton tries to wipe away his tears but Logan flinches away. Patton scowls.

"Fine. Be like that. Don't talk to me until you realize this is a two-way thing." He snaps, standing up and pulling his clothes back on.

"W-wait, P-Patton-!" Logan tries to stop him but he had already disappeared.

Logan lets out a sob, suddenly feeling very cold and alone.

He reaches for an article of clothing he doesn't use much, wincing when pain shoots through his body.

Logan quickly wipes himself off, throwing the shirt far from him, before slowly shifting until he's curled up under the blankets.

He takes off his glasses before pushing them onto his side table.

It's safe to say that it is the first time that Logan has ever cried himself to sleep.

(Probably gonna make a part 2)


(1106 words)

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