°~New Years~°

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It was finally New Year's Eve. Thomas was setting things up excitedly, not that he was going to have anyone over. He wanted to spend some quality time watching the fireworks with his sides.

However, it did not go as planned.

While Thomas watched the fireworks and was enjoying them greatly, the sides were getting themselves into trouble.

"See you next decade!" Patton says again, this time to Virgil. Virgil sighs heavily and Patton moves on.

"Yay! Pollution!" Virgil shouts, looking up at the fireworks with distaste.

Roman and Remus were the worst of the bunch. They were both screaming aggressively, trying to be louder than the fireworks.

But where were Logan and Deceit you may ask?

Well, Deceit was in the kitchen, drinking until he couldn't stand up or speak and then drinking some more.

And Logan was in his room, pretending to not exist and reading a book.

Everything was going according to plan.

(Have you heard about my original story yet? It's called The Sælem Asylum and I published it just earlier.)

(177 words)

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