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(Oh? A part three? But to what? I thought I was finished with all of the multi parted one-shots for now.)


(In this specific two-parter, you readers were insistent that Patton was lying!)

(... So what if he was...?)

Tw. U!Patton

"Logan, I'm sorry. I didn't know that this was honestly an issue but if you want, we can get speech therapy."

Logan will never forget those words leaving Patton's mouth. He had been so excited!

Later that day, Patton had scheduled an appointment with a speech therapist for Logan.

However, the day passed because Patton didn't tell Logan the date of the appointment.


"P-Pat-Patton, wh-when did y-you s-sa-say the a-appoi... Appointment w-was ag-again...?" Logan asks, walking into the commons. Patton looks up from his phone, smiling at Logan.

"Oh! Hey, Logan! I'm not sure, let me check." He says. Logan fidgets with the hem of his shirt as Patton supposedly checks his phone calendar. "Oh, no!" Patton says suddenly. Logan quickly looks up at him worriedly.

"Wh-what h-happ-happened?" Logan asks quickly. Patton looks up at Logan with sympathy.

"I'm so sorry, Logan, the appointment was yesterday. I completely forgot about it, I'm so sorry." He says. Logan stares before slowly looking away.

"C-can... Can y-you sch-schedule a-ano-another a-appoint-appointment...? I-I c-can b-be in o-on the d-da-date t-too, th-this t-time s-so we w-won't m-miss it!" Logan says excitedly. However, Patton just smiles at him.

"No need, kiddo. I can set an alarm this time. I want the date to be a surprise! Don't worry." He responds. Logan's smile falls but he nods.


This goes on for weeks.

Patton schedules an appointment and puts it in his calendar, with an alarm, only to remember the appointment the day after, a new excuse every time.

Logan gets more and more distrustful of Patton's supposed appointments and tries to listen in on Patton's conversations on the phone to get dates and times. However, he finds that Patton never actually schedules appointments in the first place.

However, he's too fearful to bring it up to Patton.

So he just lets it go on.

Until the conversations of speech therapy leave the mindscape completely.

(Short surprise end ensues-)


(401 words)

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