Chapter One

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I wiped the makeup off my face while he stood next to me brushing his teeth. A year ago we would have been at some wild ass party. Instead we are getting ready for bed at ten o'clock. The wild boy spitting into the sink then turning to grin at me, toothpaste dripping from his lips.

"What?" He asks before wiping his mouth with a hand towel.

"Machine Gun Kelly, this crazy wild boy looks very house broken." I can't help but laugh at this.

He comes behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. His head comes down to place a kiss on my neck before his piercing eyes make contact with mine in the mirror. "There's still that wild side of me, babe. Just gotta be careful for the next couple of months."
I knew that by the end of the year we would be back to that wild life style. Just not fully as crazy. In a way I missed it. Those crazy drunken nights that skipped to the next hungover morning when we'd only remember the night through crazy videos of us. I loved the way his eyes would be clouded and his fucked up confessions of love for things about me. Things have changed though. We have to evolve.

"Kayden?" I question.

"What is your obsession with things too similar to mine?" He groans.

I turn in his arms to face him. "Colson and Kayden aren't too similar."


"No. Gunner?" I joke.

Colson laughs, shaking his head. "Nah, I'm the only gunner around here. How 'bout Jace?"
"Perfect." I pull his head down to mine, kissing him softly on the lips. "Though I did already get him a onesie that's says 'Lil Gunner'."

"I can live with that." He kisses me again. "Now get your sexy ass into bed."

Knowing that there was no arguing, I did as he said. I stretch out before leaning back against the headboard. Colson starts to go through his nightly routine. First he makes sure that our bedroom door is locked. Next he checks the top drawer of his dresser. He always has to make sure that he's got a good amount of weed and a morning joint rolled. Then he turns off the bathroom light, only to turn on the soft night light in the bathroom. Finally once all this is done he climbs into bed, turning off the lights with an app on his phone.

"Are you nervous about tomorrow?" I asked him as I lay down to settle my head into his chest.

He moans at this. "Lily, do we gotta go through this right before bed?"

That answered my question. He was nervous and anxious, right now I couldn't tell which side was winning. Recently more bull shit brought up the feud between MGK and Eminem. This time they were to settle it out on a televised unrehearsed rap battle on live tv. He could do this, I know he can. He just puts to much pressure on himself that it's like he has the weight of the world on his shoulders. Eminem could play dirty though in the heat of the moment and if he hits the right spot Colson might lash out in a way that he would later in regret.

"I love you," I drop the subject.

His thumb gently rubs my rounded stomach. "I fucking love you."

It was always that. Never just I love you. Always I fucking love you, as if he only knows how to express emotions with intensity. Then again that's how he is when he cares for you. Ride or die.

It's taken Colson Baker three years, off and on, to turn into this slightly domesticated wild boy. Well not that he has much of a choice as of six months ask when we got the news that he knocked me up. Now we are maturing into our relationship, as his manager likes to phrase it. It was by no means planned, but I regret nothing. Seeing his face light up whenever his unborn son is mentioned reassures me that he has no regrets either.

I met Colson four years ago when he auditioned to be the lead in a movie based on a book that I had written. I took one look at him and thought he was just some asshole who thought this was just for more attention. The only thing I knew about him at the time was that he was a rapper and known for being a wild boy. My first impression changed when he took one look at me. He introduced himself with a handshake then proceeded to spark up a conversation about my book. With his knowledge of things that the script didn't contain I knew that he must have ready the book, doing his research before this audition. Filming started and we grew closer as I made my visits to set. As author of the book, when the deal was made for movie rights it was agreed that I would still have a good say so on things about this adaption. Then at some point during filming, we hooked up. He could drive me fucking crazy sometimes. I've never met someone who infuriates me more than him. Yet I can't imagine loving anyone else more than him.

Passion. That's what he calls it. It's how he fills every little thing he does.

His gentle finger strokes and the feeling of his chest falling and rising gently started to lull me to sleep.

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