Chapter 27: Lily

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Nothing but a thin sheet covered us as we laid there in bed. Heat radiated from Colson, causing me to lean in closer to him. His chest rose slowly. Blonde hair sticking up in a sexed up all night long kinda style. He was fast asleep, arms wrapped around me.

I couldn't stop my fingers from tracing his tattoos. I loved doing that. The smooth skin was so colorful. I'd traced most of his chest and he still hadn't awaken. My fingers glide lower, down to the three X's low on his waist. I took my time tracing them, the sheet barely exposing them.

Colson grabs my hand. "Someone's touchy."

I kissed him softly. "Just admiring."

He gives me a sleepy grin, pulling me on top of him. "Did you get enough sleep?"

I rose up, grinding down against him balancing myself with hands on his chest. "Of sleep yes? Of you? Never."

His hands grip my waist. "Well let's me give you a morning dose of me then."

Colson reaches below me to slide in. I can't stop the moan as he fills me. Those blue eyes starting at me with a sparkle of mischief. I could barely hold on as he thrusted up to me at a rigorous pace. His grip on my hips was the only thing keeping me upright.

"Good morning." I moan.

He smirks at me, pounding into me harder. "Fuck yeah it is."

I shuddered, trying to keep up with the rough pace. My hands kept slipping instead of finding a good grip. Colson sits up so that we are chest to chest, still going deep inside of me. I wrap my arms around him, teeth sinking into his shoulder.

"Hey, guys, Anna made breakfast." Pete's voice came as he entered the room without knocking. "Oh shit! My bad!"

"Dude, get the fuck out!" Colson shouted, quickly trying to cover me with the sheet. He didn't care about himself, he just didn't want to share me with anyone else.

"I'm leaving, have fun kids." Pete calls with a laugh as he leaves the room.

I groan, burying my head in the crook of my fiancé's neck. "Well there goes the great start to the morning."

Colson slowly moves inside of me. "We can always go right back to it."

"Everyone's waiting for us downstairs." I say, acting like I don't want to continue. Meanwhile I slowly circle my hips, setting a slow sensual pace. When he starts biting his lip, I begin to pull off of him. I couldn't resist teasing him.

He slams me back down onto him. "They can wait."

Thirty minutes later we finally manage to make it downstairs. I had attempted to fix my sex hair. Colson showed his off proudly, always having a hand on me or arm around me. His lips would kept sneaking into my skin, wether it was my shoulder when I went to grab a plate or the top of my head as he took a seat at the table next to me. After sitting down his hand gripped my upper thigh.

"How did everyone sleep?" Rook asks. He mainly wanted to know if I got more than the four hours I normally slept.

"Very well." I said, a slight blush on my cheeks. I went to eat a piece of sausage.

"Didn't you have enough sausage this morning?" Pete teases.

"If you needed more all you had to do was ask?" Colson whispers in my ear before nipping at it.

I push him away. "I hate you guys."

We continued on with breakfast. Occasionally Colson and Pete would tease me about earlier. Slim filled up my coffee, knowing that I'd need it to deal with them. Colson kept adding food to my plate, making sure that I ate plenty.

"You guys have a gorgeous house." Anna said as we all took the plates into the kitchen.

"Thank you. Colson had surprised me with it about two years ago." I said. "We remodeled last year to make it more our own."

She and I kept talking about the house as Pete and Colson did the dishes. They weren't too happy about it. After teasing me all morning thats what they deserved. As I was leaving the kitchen Colson whipped me with a towel, causing me to glare at him.

Anna went to go shower so that we could go shopping today. While she did that I went out to the patio for a morning smoke. I grabbed a fresh cup of coffee. The boys had finished and headed to the basement studio to play around down there.

"Ah, my smoking buddy." John says, sitting down across from me.

"Except I have my own this time." I shook the pack in my hand with a grin.

"You two seem to be doing good." He comments.

I nod. "I mean we still have our days but I think we are doing better."

John and I kept talking about everything. He was an easy person to just spill everything to. John caught me up on things in New York. Apparently Netflix is begging him to do another special. I told him about the wedding plans and what we still had to do.

"How did you adjust to married life?" I asked John, making sure no one else was around.

"It was easy for me." He admits. "I think I was just at the point where I wanted to be married. Why? Is he not really settling down?"

I shake my head with a sigh. "No, he's always been committed to me. I just can't help but worry that marriage isn't something he really wants."

Colson has had commitment issues in the past. Not with me but other women. A good bit of his songs reference it. 'Even if I have a wife she's just someone I fuck' is straight from Hollywood Whore. I trusted Colson with every fiber of my being. If he cheated on my I think it would actually kill me inside.

"Has he given you any reason to doubt him?" John asks.

I shake my head. "No, he hasn't."

"Don't start looking for things that aren't there. They'll drive you crazy." John says.

I nod. I would drive myself crazy with this. Colson gave me no reason to doubt his loyalty. These voices in my head just loved making me feel crazy. Those seeds of doubt coming at me in the weakest moment.

After talking with John, I went downstairs to the studio. The boys were just laughing and joking around down there. Colson smiled brightly as soon as he saw me, the doubts disappearing for the time being.

"I love you." I whisper in his ear after taking a seat on his lap.

"I fucking love you." His arms tighten around my waist, holding me close.

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