Chapter 23: Lily

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The cameras flash could be seen through the tinted windows. Their shouted questions came muffled through the glass. I wasn't as anxious as I thought I'd be. In fact I was quite calm. Credit may be due to the couple of joints and predrinks.

"You ready?" Colson asks, giving my hand a squeeze.

"I dunno. Is there another movie where I don't have to see you in it?" I tease him

He laughs, kissing my cheek. "Well it's your movie."

We exited the limo, embracing the press. I let Colson take the lead on the crowd. He was better with it than I was. As always in public, Colson didn't smile. He'd smirk whenever he'd look at me, but kept a chill expression on his face.

"MGK, Lily, can we get a photo?"

Colson and I stopped, turning to pose for the pictures. His arm is wrapped lowly around my waist. He looked amazing. His navy suit complimented mine. If I was a princess this evening then he was my prince.

"Lily!" Dove Cameron called me over.

She played the female lead in the movie. The two of us had also gotten close on set. She's by far one of the sweetest girls I'd ever met. The soft pink dress she wore gave her a Glinda the Good look.

"Dove!" I give the other woman a soft hug. "You look wonderful."

"You guys do too!" She says. "Did you two mean to match?"

"It just kind of happened." Colson said with a smirk.

"I can't believe we are at the premiere." I told them as we walked inside the Chinese Theatre.

We made small chat with some people who worked on the film. I hadn't seen some of them since we finished filming so it was nice to catch up. Before I knew it we were being taken to our seats. I kept fiddling with my engagement ring, waiting for the movie to start.

"Calm down." Colson grabs both my hands. "You're more nervous than me and I'm in it."

"I know it's's my novel coming to life. I'd seen almost every stage of it being created, but what if it's not what I pictured?"

"Lily, everyone here has worked on making sure it's exactly what you pictured." He reminds me. "If you don't like it then we just put it to the back of our minds."

I nod, leaning into him as the opening scene starts. His hands holding mine stop me from biting my nails. The soft music opening leads to Dove's character laying on her bed, staring up at the ceiling. Soon, I started to relax, allowing myself to enjoy the movie.

"Perfect." I whisper about thirty minutes into the movie. A shirtless Colson stares at me from the screen. His hair in a beautiful mess.

"If that's all it took for you to chill I could've shown up here shirtless." My Colson whispered, his hand moving to my upper thigh.

I couldn't help but squirm. "It's not my fault you look great shirtless."

He chuckles softly, giving my thigh a squeeze.

It was all over before I knew it. The credits started rolling, causing everyone to applaud. When my name appeared in the credits, everyone who knew me started cheering louder. I could stop myself from kissing Colson as soon as I saw his name.

"I love you." I tell him, pulling back. "You're just perfect."

"I only tried to do you justice." He says.

"You did so much better than that." I assure him.

The after party was held at the Four Seasons down the road. Everyone was in good spirits leaving the theatre. We had gotten a suite here, deciding to stay at the hotel after the party. I changed into a knee length version of my dress, something easier to move around in, before we joined the reception.

"My stars." The director, Jeffrey, greeted us with two flukes of champagne.

"Colson was brilliant, wasn't he?" I grin up at my fiancé.

"He was, without you though, we wouldn't be having any of this." He said. "The reviews will be coming out within the hour. A few are already giving it Oscar buzz."

Colson laughed. "Well we'll just have to see."

We socialized until the first review came out. Jeffrey read it out loud for everyone to hear. There was nothing but glowing reviews for the movie. So far it has started to receive the highest ratings of any movie this year.

"We did it." I let out a deep breathe.

"You did it." Colson corrected.

"Worst movie ever." Someone said, coming closer. "That blonde prick shouldn't have been such a big part in it."

"Shut up, bitch." Colson greeted Rook with a punch in the arm.

"What did you think?" I asked him.

He pulls me into his arms, kissing my cheek. "It was fucking amazing, Lil. We're all so proud of you."

"Suck up." Colson grumbles.

Rook laughs. "He's just pissy he was the worst part of the movie."

I grab Colson by the chin, forcing him to look at me instead of getting into one of his childish arguments with Rook. "You were my favorite part of the movie."

He gives me a soft grin, leaning down to rest his forehead on mine. "Later on we can try that shirtless seen again. Maybe I can get you even more hot and bothered."

"Colson." I give off a warning tone, hoping that he doesn't try anything here.

"It's not my fault you chose not to wear underwear." He nibbled on my ear. "Can't play with fire, love."

I pushed him back. "Behave or you won't get to take advantage of that."

Before I can step back he pulls my backside against his body. He was already getting hard. "I always get what I want, Lily, or do I have to remind you of that right now."

"Seriously you two, can you keep your hands off each other for two minutes?" Ashleigh says as she walks up. She pulls me into a hug. "I'm so proud of you. It was amazing."

"I've got the most beautiful woman on my arm that's fucking brilliant." Colson said. "How can I keep my hands off her when I gotta make sure she's mine."

"That ring would be a good reminder." Ash says.

I lean into Colson, enjoying the night. Our friends and I kept teasing one another. It was nice to feel so light and happy. I felt better than I have in a while.

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