Chapter 22: Colson

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She kept leaning into me during game night. She seemed so small and dependent, something that Lily normally wasn't. If I'd go to stand up, she'd look up at me weakly. I kept some form of contact with her the whole night, wether it was my hand or arm.

"Fuck it's time for a smoke." I say, reaching for the joint behind my ear.

"Hell yeah!" Dub grinned as I lit up.

"Can I?" Lily asks me in a hushed toned.

I froze, not really meaning to. "Uh, yeah."

As much as I wanted to control her, I knew I couldn't. A little high wasn't something I was against. With everything going on, it worried me. Could she handle a little of a substance? Was I making things worse?

She passed the blunt to Rook before leaning into me. "Thank you."

I kissed her on the forehead, fingers combing through her hair. "Your welcome."

Lily curled into me. "You smell good."

My scent hasn't changed in years. I had the same aftershave, deodorant, and faint weed smell. She just wanted an excuse to get closer to me. I knew it was because we hadn't been near each other recently. Whenever we would concede from an argument in the past she would always behave like this. It's something we both needed.

I laced our hands together, squeezing her. Everyone seemed to be having a good time. The tension appeared to be lifted. The boys seemed to have forgiven her. They knew she probably just needed the support right now. Until we die we support those we love.

"Fuck you, Rook." Slim leaned back into the couch.

Rook grinned. "Not my fault you fuckers can't handle Frozen Monopoly."

There were other versions of monopoly in our game collection. The Frozen version was a more recent addition. Baze claimed he'd gotten it for Casie to play, but hadn't tried to play with his niece since getting it. We'd brought this on the road a couple of times. Lily always liked it, though the Seaworld one was her favorite due to the whales.

"I feel like you cheat." Lily pouts. "Every game we play you always win."

"I'm just smart as shit." He responds which makes him receive a punch into the thigh from Dum."

Lily laughed. She seemed to be in higher spirits tonight. Though I seemed to be a terrible judge of her moods as of lately. I used to now her inside and out. Now I can't tell how she's really feeling.

"Someone's sleepy." Rook nudged me.

I glance to my side to see Lily's faces buried into my leg, her chest rising deeply. My fingers gently brushed back her hair.

"Guess it's time for bed. Shit it's four anyways." Dub said, surprised we stayed up this late not completely shit faced.

"Yeah, seems that way." I say as I pick Lily up.

She instantly adjusts to get closer, her head going into the crook of my neck. I carry her upstairs to our room. The boys knew to clean and lock up before heading back to the pool house. I just had to take care of Lily.

I laid her down I'm out bed. The moment she hit the bed she curled up around my pillow. She looked so peaceful in her sleep. I quickly got ready for bed myself before taking the spot of my pillow.

"Love 'ou." She mutters sleepily.

The next morning Lily stuck by my side. She was still quiet, hardly ever making eye contact.

"I have my dress fitting for the premiere today." She tells me.

"Want me to go with you?" I ask her.

"Please." She whispers.

I miss her forehead. "Of course I will."

Her dress was one of her worries. They'd started it when she was pregnant. Now they had to adjust it. That was one of the things that bothered her. She was nervous about how it was going to look on her.

"You're beautiful." I tilt her chin up to force her to look at me. "So fucking beautiful all the time."

"No I'm not." She says.

"You are." I assure her. "The most beautiful woman I've ever seen."

I put my lips on hers to stop her from protesting. She sighs into the kiss, melting into my touch. I keep the kiss soft, almost as if I was caressing her. Lily wraps her arms around my neck, holding me close. We pull back from each other, just staring at one another.

"Don't do that?" She says.

At first I don't know what she's talking about until I realized I was biting my bottom lip. It was just a nervous habit that I had. One that happened to turn on my fiancé. "What's wrong?"

She squirmed. "You know what you're doing."

I laugh. "Fine. Let's go to your dress fitting."

Channel was creating a dress for Lily. They'd been making it for months. I hadn't seen it on her, only the sketches. The baby blue ball gown gave almost a Cinderella look to it. I couldn't wait to see her in it.

The designers instantly pulled her to the back room as soon as we arrived. I could hear them behind closed doors discussing a few things that they would need to fix. I just patiently stood there waiting for Lily to be done. A gasp came from the other room, causing me to go in.

"Everything good?" I call out as I open the door.

She stood there in a beautiful gown, looking like a fairytale princess. It needed to be taken in in a few places. She was a vision though. Her soft sheepish smile was matched with a slight blush as I kept looking her up and down. A strand of hair becomes loose from behind her ear.

I tuck it back in. "You look like a princess."

"It's not too much?" She asks, playing with the skirts of the dress.

"Nothing needs to be changed." I assure her. "Casie will think you came straight out of a Disney movie."

"Just don't ask me to sing. I'm not a Disney princess." Lily giggles.

She couldn't sing. Not to save her life. I loved her anyways. Her singing my songs in the car, shower, or while cleaning is my favorite thing. She puts everything into singing them, it just isn't always the best. I loved it though.

"You're my princess." I kiss her.

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