Chapter 11: Lily

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We sat in Pete's dressing room splitting a joint. John and Anna had agreed to just one joint, which makes us feel like children. I understood their concern though. The both of us had been abusing everything we could get our hands on.

"Can't tell if this is good shit or I haven't smoked in too long." Colson says, blowing smoke in my face.

I take the joint from him. "I think it's partially since we haven't smoked in forever."

"Wow and you guys think I'd just smoke shitty weed?" Pete asks, taking the joint from me. "You guys suck."

Kinda of high, I fling myself at Pete, hugging him tightly. "Oh, Pete, I loooovvveee you. Staten Island King of MJ."

He laughs, wrapping an arm around me. "You're crazy."

I smile brightly at the two boys. They kept cracking jokes back and forth while I watched them. We had over an hour before the show went into its final stages before it started. I was so excited to see the show live. Pete has gotten us the perfect seats, usually where his mom sits when she comes to watch. Tonight we didn't cover up with hoodies and hats, still wore long sleeves, but we weren't trying to hide who we were.

"Can I come in?" Lorne Michaels knocks on the door.

Pete quickly puts the joint down. "Yeah sure, of course."

"Do you need us to leave?" I ask, not sure if he has to talk to Pete about something.

"No, I was actually hoping to speak with you two." Lorne nods at Colson and I. "Miley Cyrus had to cancel on us for next week due to a scheduling conflict. That leads us with finding someone before Monday to do the show. I was wondering how you'd feel about being the first author to host SNL."

My jaw dropped, looking around the room for confirmation that this is actually happening. Pete gave me the biggest grin, as if he already knew about this. Colson has a knowing grin as well. "Uh, I would absolutely be honored to."

"Perfect. We start filming the promos on Monday." Lorne informs me. He goes through some more details briefly before leaving us.

"I'm gonna host Saturday Night Live!" I squeal, throwing myself at Colson.

He hugs me tightly. "Lorne had called me this morning about all of it, knowing that we are publicly taking a break. I knew I couldn't let us pass this up though. Ashleigh and the boys are flying out on Tuesday for support."

We all chatted for a bit more until it was time for us to go take our seats in the audience. I was even more excited for the show now. Colson kept laughing at me, saying I was acting worse than Casie on a sugar high.

The show was amazing. Pete would occasionally give us a little wave before he'd go into a sketch. All too soon the show was over. Anne Hathaway was doing her thank you'd at the end. It kept going on until they announced next weeks line up. Host Lily Page and musical guest Machine Gun Kelly. That caused me to squeal again, still not fully believing that it was actually happening.

After the show ended, Colson and I went back to the Mulaney's. A few pap took some pictures of us, but didn't try to harass us. Mostly they stayed out of our way. It didn't take us long to get back there. John waited up for us, congratulating us on booking next weeks show. Lorne had called him up as well to see if he wants to help write for the week.

Soon we were laying in bed. Colson has gone back to sleeping shirtless, now just wearing a pair of soft yellow pajama bottoms. I climb under the covers, dressed in pajamas and a little cardigan over a t-shirt.

"We look like an old married couple." I giggled, taking in the sight of him reading before bed.

He puts his book down. Colson doesn't say anything for a minute. Suddenly he pulls me to where I'm straddling him, his knees propped up supporting my back. "Maybe it's cause you're dressed like you're pushin' fifty."

I put my hands down on his chest, pouting. "You're mean. Especially cause you're the old one. You turn thirty in four months, gramps. At least I'm still in my mid twenties."

Colson smirked up at me. "I knew you were a gold digger."

I laughed, pushing him. "If only we were married then I could divorce you already."

He shakes his head, chuckling. I tried to get off of him, but he wouldn't allow me. This resulted in me accidentally grinding him. My whole body froze. We had only kissed since everything happened. Before that we'd always been like animals. In this moment, I knew I wanted him. Biting my lip, I softly grinded against him.

Colson let out a gentle moan. "Lily, we don't have to."

I leaned down, kissing him. "I want to. I've missed you."

That was all the encouragement he needed. He flips us so that I'm now pinned underneath him. His lips move against mine, pouring all his love into the kiss. I kissed him back with as much emotion. My hands cupped his face, wanting him as close to me as he could possibly get.

Clothes started to be thrown across the room, desperate to have skin to skin contact. Once we were connected I never wanted to be apart from this man. Colson took his time, worshipping my body. His version of making love always felt like some kind of spell he puts me under. It was rare for him to be gentle. I think he was afraid that I'd break if he wasn't careful.

"I love you," I assure him when his eyes make contact with mine.

We come together, laying there still connected afterwards. I enjoyed the closeness to him, the scent of sex filling the air. Colson couldn't keep still, he kept softly kissing any piece of skin he could reach. I kept stroking his hair, trying to take the sexed up blonde locks.

"God, I fucking love you." He says, slowly pulling himself out of me. His blue eyes were sparkling with mischief.

"I fucking love you too." I say, trying to mock his Cleveland accent.

Colson just laughs. "Tryin' to be me?"

"Lace up, bitch." I kept trying to impersonate him. "Kells in da house motha fucka."

This causes him to laugh harder. "Don't do impressions of me on SNL. There's only one me, babe."

I laugh, kissing him on the cheek. "Thankfully. I don't think the world could handle two of you."

"If there was two of me, you'd always have one of us inside of you at all times." He grins, liking the idea of that.

"I'd be exhausted all the time." I said, yawning.

He pulls the blanket up over us, holding my close to him. Neither of us bothering to put on clothes. "Get some sleep, before the Wild Boy comes for you."

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