Chapter 16: Colson

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The after party was loudly going on around me. I had a drink in my hand. I was still on my first drink since arriving. As much as I wanted to join everyone and party, I couldn't. Fuck. I can't believe I blurted out marry me on tv. Cameras still rolling and everything.

Lily hadn't said anything. Lorne Michaels had called her over, apparently the only person who hadn't heard what I said. My phone was going insane with notifications. Every news outlet had already posted the awkward moment. Twitter and instagram was full of posts wondering what she said.

I knew I wanted to marry her. I hadn't planned on asking her like that. My mind couldn't control my mouth at that moment. It just slipped out. I didn't regret it, at least not at the moment. What I did hate was the fact that I wanted nothing more than to go join her right now as she joked around with our friends. Fear of rejection stopped me from that though.

"Well that was the smoothest thing I had seen all night." John says, coming to stand next to me.

I run a hand through my hair. "Fuck."

"You're fine." He says. "I'm sure she knows that it just slipped out."

"It did. But I meant it." I admit quietly. "I've thought of it for a while then I dunno, in that moment I just needed her to be completely mine."

"Go to her. Don't bring it up, just go be with her and stop making yourself miserable." John says. "You both did an outstanding job tonight, enjoy that."

I sigh, but do as he says. As soon as I'm near her, Lily attaches herself to my side. I put an arm around her, downing my drink in one take. She doesn't say anything to me, instead she keeps talking to Keenan and Cecily. I don't know what she's talking about. She's very animated as she tells the story, eyes wide and alert.

"Great job tonight, man." Keenan says to me.

I shake his hand. "You as well."

"Are you okay?" Lily asks me after a few minutes once the other two have walked away.

"Just not in the party mood." I shrug.

Her smile falters. "We can leave if you want to."

"Nah, it's your night. Enjoy yourself." I tell her.

"Stay, please." She says. "I finally see you for the first time tonight and you want to go home alone. It's our night."

My heart clinches at that. "You want me to stay?"

"Shocking that I'd want my boyfriend to be with me at a party where we are both guests of honor." She crosses her arms over her chest. "You know what, Kells? Go home."

Fuck. She never calls me Kells unless she's mad. It's in her nature to do the reverse of everyone else. I'd rather her use my full name than that. She starts to walk away from me, but I pull her back. She fights me all the way until I get her to the dressing room we'd been sharing.

"What do you want?" Annoyance fills her voice.

"You." I simply tell her. "It's always you. Yes I want to be with you tonight. I just don't want to dampen your night cause I can't get out of my head."

"Did you mean it?" She asks in a small voice. Her eyes refusing to meet mine.

"When I asked you to marry me?" The question coming out rushed.

"Yeah. That."

I lift her chin, forcing her to look in my eyes. "I can't imagine a world without you by my side. I want to be able to call you my wife. I want everyone to see a ring on your finger knowing that you're mine."

"You do?" She asks, eyes glistening.

I step back, searching for my guitar case. My fingers fumble to unlock it. Finally I'm able to retrieve the black box. My hands are shaking as I hold it out for her. I don't say anything. Instead I just watch as she opens up the box, taking her time to look at the contents.

"How long have you had this?" She asks, eyes still glued to the ring.

"Almost a year." I admit, taking a seat onto the couch. "It's engraved too."

"'My Best Habit'." She reads out loud.

My best habit. That was something I had started calling her when we first started dating. I hadn't been looking for anything, yet I kept going back to her. I always went back to her.

"They wouldn't let me put 'Baddest Bitch' on a ring." I try to joke but it all just comes out flat.

"Colson." She breathes. "I can't believe you have this."

"I'd just been waiting for the right time. Tonight it just slipped out." I admit.

"Slipped out on live tv." She reminds me.

"I wasn't planning on that happening." I shake my head. "Look I know it's a lot right now. We can just forget it."

"So that's it? You don't want to marry me?" She asks.

"Fucking hell. I want to marry you, Lily Page. I want you forever. Would you have rather me gotten onto my fucking knees?" I ask.

"Lily Baker." She whispers.


"Lily Baker. It has a nice ring to it." Lily takes ahold of my hands.

I look down at her. "Marry me."

"You already asked." She says.

"I'm not asking anymore." I tell her.

"Well my answer is yes anyways." Lily gives me a smile.

"Say it." I demand, sliding the ring onto her finger.

"Yes, Colson Baker, I will fucking marry you."

I crash my lips to hers, unable to control myself anymore. She wraps her around me. I pour everything into this kiss. My heart is pounding against my chest, no way of calming it down.

Lily giggles, pulling back from me. "I can't believe you asked me to marry you on live television."

I groan. "Don't remind me."

"But I have to remind you." She says, waving her ring in my face. "It's literally my job for all of eternity. Scared yet?"

"Not as long as I've got you by my side." I say, kissing her again.

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