Chapter 30: Colson

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I sat in the booth of a diner just outside of LA. My hat and hoodie concealed my identity to most looking in. I just wasn't in the mind space to be able to deal with fans at the moment. Not when at any moment the woman that gave birth to me would be walking through the door.

The wedding was a month away. Lily was currently at a fitting of her dress. I hadn't told her about today. She would've insisted on coming. It's not that I didn't want her here, because I'd do anything to have her by my side right now. This was just something I needed to do on my own.

"Colson!" My mother said coming towards me. She went to hug me but I shined away from her touch.

"You came." I acknowledged.

She nods, sitting across from me. "Of course. I've missed you."

"So what is it you want?" I ask, ignoring the fact that maybe she did miss me. "I assume you called for a reason."

She reaches across the table, grabbing onto my hands. "I figured with everything going on in your life you might need your mother."

I scoff, ripping my hands from hers. "I've lived most of my life without a mother so why the fuck would I need one now?"

"You're getting married, you lost a child. I just thought I'd be here for you, Colson." She says.

I clenched my fists together. The knuckles goes white. I didn't need to cause a scene. The last thing I needed was me meeting with my mother on TMZ tonight. Closing my eyes, I focused on Lily and Casie. The two things that could calm the storm inside of me. Two people that are the best miracles in my life.

"I just want to be there for you, Colson." My mother says. She has the nerve to look heartbroken. "I'm here for you, for whatever you need."

"I needed you to be there for me when I was little." I cursed the fucking tears forming in my eyes. "I needed you when Dad started drinking. When he kicked me out. I needed you when I was barely able to afford to put food in my daughters mouth much less my own. That's when I fucking needed you. Now....well now I've gotten so used to not needing you that I don't even think of you."

She looked at me, tears streaming down her face. "Well here's my card, call me if you need to talk about anything."

I took the card from her, putting it in my pocket. "Okay."

She pulls out a small jewelry box from her purse, handing it to me. "This was your great great grandmother's. She's gotten it for her wedding. Every bride in the family has had it passed to them. I thought you might like to give it to your bride. Lily right?"

I nod. "Thanks. I'll give it to her."

"I do love you, Colson. No matter what you may think of me." With that said my mother leaves.

I put down some cash into the table before heading to my car. As soon as I get in I light up the blunt I had ready. No matter how that had gone I knew that a blunt was going to be needed. My hands shook slightly as I dialed Lily's number.

"How do you seem to have a sense of when I'm naked?" Her giggles cake through the speaker.

I sigh, my body relaxing at the sound of her voice. "Picture to prove that it's true?"

Lily laughs again. "I'm not sending you a picture from inside of the dressing room at my dress fitting!"

"Are you almost done?" I ask.

"Yes, they're taking the dress for the final alterations. All I have to do is put my clothes back on then I'm done." She tells me. "Everything okay?"

"I.....I ended up meeting with her." I sighed again. "It'll all be fine."

"Oh, Colson." She says. "I'll be home in thirty minutes max. Whatever you want to do tonight, I'm down."

I chuckle. "Lily, I'm good. You don't have to rush home."

"I love you." She says.

"I fucking love you. Now don't rush to get home. Be careful." I warn her before hanging up.

I sit in the car, smoking for a moment. Just hearing her voice I was a bit more at ease. She had a way of grounding me. One of the many things I loved about her. Suddenly my phone dings. I open the message to see that my sweet little fiancé did indeed decide to be naughty and send me a photo.

There was no stopping the smirk as I texted her back. She was fucking gorgeous. Just thinking about those soft curves was all I needed to get hard. My own little corrupted angel. In just a month she would be mine forever. At one point I would have seen it as a prison sentence now I know that the title of husband is something I'm more excited to be called.

When I got home Lily had just pulled in. She instantly ran to me, legs wrapping around my waist as I picked her up with ease. I chuckle, grabbing on to her ass to hold her up.

"I thought I said to be careful coming home." I smacked her ass hard. "Getting here at the same time as me is not being careful."

She smiles at me brightly, squirming in my arms. "I was careful. Not my fault I was just ready to come home to my man."

I kissed her, enjoying how eager she was to respond to me. Always so responsive. She was always eager to please me, something that I found more addictive than any drug. After years of being together we knew exactly how to press each other's buttons.

"I already ordered us UberEats from that Mediterranean place we like." She says after pulling away. "Now let's go inside and you can tell me about your day over a bowl."

I set her down, kissing her forehead. "I fucking love you."

Lily laces our hands together. "I clearly love you too after I sent you that photo."

We head inside. She automatically climbs into my lap after I sit down on the couch in the living room. I tell her all about meeting up with my mother. The whole time she just runs a hand through my hair, listening. When all was said, she held me tightly.

"She gave me this to give to you." I pulled the jewelry box from my hoodie pocket. "Some sort of family heirloom or some shit like that."

Lily opened the box, looking at the pearl necklace that was inside. "It's beautiful."

"You don't have to keep it." I tell her.

She kisses me. "Colson, it's apart of your history. Of course I'm keeping it."

I just hold on to her tighter.

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