Chapter 36: Colson

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Jet lag was in full affect our first morning in England. All I wanted to do was remain in bed and sleep. Unfortunately that wasn't in the schedule. We had a tour of the stadium first then a few interviews set up. There wouldn't be a break in the schedule until we hit Ireland. I'd get a two day break before non-stop touring. 

Lily stirred in bed next to me. She curled deeper into my side, wrapping around me like a koala. I chuckled as I looked down at her sleeping figure. It was rare for me to be the first to wake up. I was thankful for the rare moments like this. She looks so peaceful. A soft grin was on her face as she dreamed. 

Looking at the clock, I groaned. We had an interview in an hour. "Lily, baby, wake up." 

"No." She said, burying her face into the crook of my neck. 

"We gotta get up, Lily." I gently shook her. 

She sat up, rubbing her eyes. "Fuck you." 

"That's my love wife." I laugh. 

Lily glared at me as she left the bed to go to the bathroom. I got up to find an outfit for the day. The soft patter of rain outside told me it wasn't going to be the best weather. I pulled out two hoodies, a shirt, and jeans. We'd taken a shower last night, which had given us a little extra time in bed. 

"You should wear the pink hoodie." She says, coming out of the bathroom. 

"I planned on it." I told her. "The other one's for you." 

"Staking your claim on me?" She smirks. "Afraid this ring isn't gonna do the job?"

I wrapped my arms around her waist, kissing her neck. "I just like imagining you not wearing anything underneath my clothes." 

She giggled, trying to push me away. "You're constant need to fuck me is astounding." 

We finished getting ready for the day. Lily did indeed wear my hoodie, glaring at me when I smirked at her for it. She paired with with fishnet stockings and a pair of shorts. It honestly looked like she didn't have anything underneath. If only she knew just how sexy she looked. I'd like nothing more than to show her, but we had work. 

The paparazzi here was much easier to deal with. They didn't swarm us like they would back in LA. We easily walked through the London streets. A few fans came up to take pictures, but other than that we were completely left alone. I kept my hand in Lily's, enjoying feeling the bands of her wedding rings. 

As we waited for our breakfast togo order to be ready at a bakery, Lily zoned out. I followed her gaze to a family across the street. The parents were walking with a little kid in between them. The boy couldn't have been older than four. He grinned up at his parents who each held one of his hands. 

I pulled Lily close to me, kissing her forehead. I wanted that to be us more than anything. When she told me that she forgot her birth control, it got my hopes up. I wasn't sure if we were ready. I don't know if we'd ever fully recover from the loss of our first. What I did know was that I wanted another kid. I just didn't want to pressure her. 

We grabbed our breakfast, eating as we walked to the first interview. The first of four interviews today was some morning show. It would take up about forty five minutes. The interview was easy. They congratulated me on the marriage, not asking anything too personal. Ash was good about setting up interviews and giving them rules. Most interviewers kept to their word and wouldn't try to pry too much into my personal life. 

It was easy to get lost in the blur of interviews, especially when they were booked one after the other. It wouldn't be like this in most countries we toured. There was a large presence of fans here in England, so we tended to do more interviews here than in most. The final interview of the day would be with both Lily and I on a late night show. 

There was two hours that we had to rest before the late night interview. Two hours to rest up before we were back out in public view. I was exhausted. I didn't always like being in the public eye, especially when I was tired and jet lagged. As soon as we were back in the hotel room, I collapsed face down onto the bed. 

Lily straddled my hips and began to massage my back. Her fingers worked magic to relieve the tension in my body. "It's not even day one and you're dead." 

"Guess I'm getting old." I say, turning my head to smirk back at her. 

"You're still hot for an old man." She giggles, hands roaming to the lower part of my back. 

I turn underneath her to lay on my back, gripping her waist to keep her on top. "Someone have a daddy fetish now?"

She leaned down to be an inch from my face. "Nope. Though if you talk about any foot fetish things in this interview tonight I'll call you grandpa in bed just to fuck with you."

I laughed, tickling her waist. Whenever I mentioned anything sexual or foot related in interviews she always got flustered. I loved seeing her reactions. My sweet little wife was very anti foot, constantly insisted that she needed socks. Sometimes she'd tease me by wearing some peep toe heels, but that was as far as she'd let me get to her feet. 

"And if I mention just how well I'm enjoying the benefits of married life?" I ask, moving her hips to grind on top of me. 

Her lips are on mine for a brief moment before she pulls away. "Then you'll be enjoying married life from the couch." 

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