Chapter 13: Lily

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The media was going crazy over our promos. Fans were freaking out over how funny they were. We ended up using two scripted and two of the unscripted ones. Everyone loved the one where I pretending like I didn't know Colson was Machine Gun Kelly, especially our crew who arrived this morning.

"Emma and Casie are still flying in for Saturday right?" I ask Rook once we are away from Colson.

He nods. "Yeah, they're staying in the hotel right across the street from the Mulaney's."

I grinned. "He's gonna freak."

Emma was hesitant about letting Casie come out. I understood. Ash had no choice but to tell her what all had happened. Whereas she may not be apart of the group, Emma still had a right to know what was going on. Casie was allowed to come out, she just couldn't stay with us without Emma until everyone was assured we were doing better.

"Quit gossiping like two little girls, you have an interview to head to." Ash yells at us from across the room.

I went over to Colson, wrapping my arms around him. "I'll see you when I'm done."

"Might still be practicing." He tells me. "I'm a bit rusty."

"You're great." I assure him. "You can always practice in front of me later."

He bends down kissing me deeply only to pull back too soon. "I fucking love you, Lily. Now go, I don't want you to be late."

"I love you too." I say, kissing his cheek before walking over to Rook.

"I love you, Kells!" Rook shouts at him with a grin.

"Kiss my ass, dip shit." Colson shoots him the bird.

Shaking my head, I drag Rook out of the SNL set. We made our way to the Tonight Show set. As soon as we got there I was thrown into hair and makeup. I'd never seen someone work so fast. In the end my hair was curled and my makeup was soft Smokey eyes.

"How do I look?" I ask Rook.

"Fabulous." Came a new voice.

I turn with a big smile. "Jimmy, how are you?"

"Great. I'm so happy that you agreed to do the show tonight." He says, hugging me.

I thanked a lot of my career to Jimmy Fallon. He was also partially the reason that I met Colson. If my book hadn't of done so well with his promoting there wouldn't have been a movie.

"No Kells tonight?" He asks, looking around for the tall blonde.

"Nah, I stole Rook since he has to practice. Pete Davidson is filling in for Rook's parts so we'll see how that goes." I joke.

Both men laugh. We make small talk until it's time for the show to start. I feel the nerves take over. I try to calm myself. It's just Jimmy. He won't ask any hard questions. He'll keep it light, he always does.

"Now onto my first guest. She's been coming in here for a few years now. You may know her from New York Times Bestseller list. Now you'll get a chance to see her hosting Saturday Night Live for the first time on Saturday, please welcome my dear friend, Lily Page." Jimmy announces.

I walk out to the cheers, waving at the group. As soon as I'm on stage I give Jimmy a short hug before taking a seat. "It's always a please to be at the Tonight Show, Jimmy."

"You have a movie coming out next month based off of your first novel and you are the first author to host SNL." Jimmy says. "Congratulations, I knew your career would take off when I read your book, but wow this is unbelievable."

"I know. I can't believe it myself most of the time." I spoke the truth. Sometimes all of this seemed unreal. "I'm excited for the movie to come out. It's got an amazing cast and team who have done justice to my words."

"One of those in the cast being Machine Gun Kelly." He says, smirking.

I laugh. "Oh yeah, he does all right in the movie. No, he really did such a wonderful job it's no wonder I fell for him. He's perfect for the role."

"Speaking of your boyfriend," Jimmy changes the topic. "From one of our mutual friends, John Mulaney's wife, I have received a recent picture of some friends that I would love some more context on."

He pulls out a picture from Sunday night of John, Pete, and Colson. I start laughing with the audience. Anna had insisted we go out for a girls night. The boys took that as they were going on girls night. John is in the picture in one of Anna's dresses, posing ridiculously. Colson and Pete are dying laughing in the photo. Pete was wearing one of my dresses. Colson decided to wear a crop top and a body con skirt though. The boys had been so proud of themselves.

"Don't they look great?" I ask. "It's a shame he wears my clothes better than me. John's wife and I were going out to dinner to have a girls night and the lovely men in our lives thought that meant they were invited. I don't know who's idea it was, but I'm guessing Pete's, but they dressed up like that for us to be able to join girls night."

"Did you let them?" Jimmy asks.

"We ended up ordering in since they wouldn't let us leave the house without them and they refused to change." I reply, smiling back on the memory.

Colson had put on musical while we waited for the food. The guys decided to try out their best female booty dance moves. I had been crying I was laughing so hard. Colson had kept trying to twerk on me, claiming that he was doing it right. Not at all. He can dance, he just can't twerk.

The interview concluded successfully. I said my goodbyes to Jimmy and his crew before Rook and I headed back to where Colson was rehearsing. The man in question was sitting on the stage, tugging at his blonde locks. He looked frustrated.

"Stop pulling at your hair,  you'll go bald." I step in between his legs.

"You've yanked on my hair enough it's a wonder I'm not already." He half heartedly teases. "I can figure out what songs to do."

"Why are you here is good." I said to him, looking at the list. "Bullets With Names is your newest so do those two. Stop over thinking whatever's in your head. You'll blow them away."

He leans down to rest his forehead against mine. "Maybe after you can blow something for me."

I lightly smacked his arm. "Colson!"

"Mhmm," he nips at my neck. "We'll work on how you scream it later."

"You're a mess." I laugh, pushing him away from me.

"Yeah, there are children in the room." Pete calls out as he points to Rook.

"I'm older than you!"

"You look like you need to sit in a high chair at restaurant." Colson laughs.

The boys started chasing each other around the room, trying to smack the other. I laughed and watched them. They could be such children sometimes. It was good to see everyone in such high spirits. Maybe things were finally looking up.

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