Chapter 35: Lily

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After four days of not leaving the house, we were forced to pack up and be ready to start the European half of Machine Gun Kelly's tour. It felt weird to wear clothes after spending four days with my husband refusing to let me put on anything. The most I've had on since our wedding was a towel and that only lasted for five minutes. 

As we boarded the plane, my lovely husband decided that he would only wear a hoodie, unzipped, as a shirt. He tried to put on a shirt before we left the house but kept complaining that it felt wrong. If he had it his way, he'd be nude all the time. Not that I would complain. 

"How's the married life?" Rook hugs me as we walk up to meet the guys. 

"Exhausting." I joke. 

"I'm surprised you haven't divorced his ass yet." Slim laughs. 

"Fuckers, all of you." Colson groans as he pulls me back to his side. "She's very happy with our marriage if last night, this morning, and the past couple of days says anything." 

I give him a shove. "Keep this up and your hand won't be just for holding a microphone." 

We boarded onto the plane, being seated in First Class. Colson had gotten our seats next to each other, not wanting me too far out of his sight. I knew he really wanted to make it easier for us to sneak off together to join the Mile High club. He'd only mentioned it a million times on the way to the airport. 

As the flight began I started becoming paranoid that I'd left something. Once I got the all clear to use my phone, I pulled it out to double check my packing list. Colson kept distracting me while I was packing so it was highly probably that I'd forgotten something. Going over the list I made a mental note of what I know I packed. That is until I came across the missing item on my list. 

"Shit." I curse.

"What?" Colson asks, turning towards me. 

"I forgot to pack my birth control." I whisper to him, not wanting anyone near us to hear. 

Ever since the miscarriage, I'd been back on birth control. We hadn't discussed trying for another baby. Colson also had a tendency of forgetting condoms. As soon as we landed I'd have to find a pharmacy to get my prescription filled. Better to be safe than sorry right now. I didn't know if we were ready to try again. 

"That might not be a bad thing." He says casually as he studies my face for a reaction. 

I turn to face him. "Really?"

He grabs my hand, giving it a squeeze. "Well, if something happens. I wouldn't be opposed to the outcome." 

"Is that your way of saying you want to try for a baby?" I ask him, heart pounding in my chest. 

"Fuck, Lily, I really don't know what to say here." He runs a hand through his hair. "Yeah, I kinda want another kid, but I don't want you to feel like you have to be ready." 

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