Chapter 10: Colson

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Her soft smile was the first thing to greet me the next morning. Lily was still fast asleep, curled around me. My hand went up to run over her brown hair. It was always messy in the morning due to her rolling around in her sleep.

"Creep." She mutters, moving her arm to cover her face.

I chuckled softly. "Good morning."

"Too early." Groaning onto my chest.

I brushed her hair out of her face. "It's almost noon."

Lily took a deep breath before lifting herself up. She turned to me once she was upright. "How long have you been up?"

"Only about ten minutes." I said, pulling her back down towards me.

With a squeak she landed onto of me. "Shouldn't we get up?"

"Babe, we've got nowhere to be. We can stay in here all day." I smirked at her.

"That's a weird feeling."  She relaxed into me.

My arms wrapped my arms around her, holding her close. My fingers stroked her sides softly. Diet pills. She's been fuckin' popping them like tic tacs instead of eating. I loved her curves, I just wish she could understand that. The way her hips would swing as she walked has me on my fucking knees.

"Let's get some breakfast," I suggest, giving her a squeeze.

"Not hungry." She says in a fake sleepy voice, pretending to go back to sleep.

My stomach growled. "The universe is agreeing it's time to eat."

Lily pulls away from me, sitting up once again. Her arms wrapped around herself. I could see her shake a bit. Quickly I move to sit next to her, taking her into my arms.

"Kiss me." I request.

She turns to me to reply but instead I put my lips on hers. At first she's frozen, then when I start to move against her she eagerly responds. There was only so much words can say. I poured my heart and soul into that kiss, hoping she could feel what I feel for her. Her fingers gently pull on my blonde hair, pulling me back from the kiss.

"Maybe I'm a little hungry." She says, sounding so timid.

A huge ass grins takes over my face. I pull her up with me, heading towards the kitchen. "What do you wanna eat? Chocolate chip pancakes?"

"Ugh why do you want to eat like a five year old?" She shakes her head.

"Cause that's the only shit he can cook." Pete said from the living room.

Lily turns around to look at him. "Have you been here all morning?"

"No I was sleeping in the bathtub in your bathroom all night." He responds.

"Dude, don't be a fucking creep." I tell him.

"Fine, I came over here about an hour ago hoping you guys would feed me since my mom went on a girls trip." Pete clarifies. "But no pancakes."

"I don't want eggs though." Lily groans.

We weren't exactly skilled in the kitchen. Both of us typically ate out. There were very limited things that we could make that turned out all right. I looked through the fridge, trying to figure out something for us to eat. There was fuck all that I could do.

"Know anywhere good to eat?" I ask Pete.

"Yeah they're a Greek diner right around the corner from here that's pretty good." He says. "Might wanna get dressed first."

Lily and I went towards the room. I threw on a pair of shorts and a hoodie. I turned to see Lily pulling on the hoodie I wore yesterday. Her black leggings has lace on the sides. She came over to me as I put on a baseball cap. Her eyes study me for a minute before grabbing it and placing the cap on her head.

"Hood up." She demands. I pull up my hood, causing it to push my bangs forwards. "Much better."

"What was wrong with the cap?" I ask her.

"Hides your face too much. Plus I like it better on me." She tentatively grabs onto my hand.

We head out to the diner, remaining hand in hand. Several times I had to stop Pete from trying to grab my other hand. He kept joking that he wanted to be mine. Lily kept laughing at him, sounding lighter than I've heard her in a long time.

"What's food here?" I ask Pete, looking over the menu.

We'd gotten a table in the back, hoping to not be noticed by anyone. So far the little diner wasn't busy.

Pete shrugs. "Pretty much everything's good."

I finally decided on a lamb gyro sandwich while Lily did the chicken version of it. Pete got the Greek meatballs. We made some small talk as we ate. I squeezed Lily's thighs occasionally under the table if I saw her start to okay with her food. She knew I was watching her, making sure that she ate plenty.

"Pete, are you working tonight?" Lily asks him.

"Yeah. I might even be in a sketch or two this week." He says.

"That's great." She smiles at him.

"Think you could get us a spot in the audience for Saturday?" I ask him.

She turns to look at me, eyes wide. Ever since she was little she tried to watch every Saturday Night Live on tv. I knew that she'd been dying to sit in the audience one night and see it all as it happens. I'd been wanting to do this with her for a while, but with our schedules it just never worked out.

"Yeah, definitely. I'll send an email to Lorne now." Pete says, pulling out his phone.

"I'm so excited." She squeals quietly to me.

"If only you got this excited for Machine Gun Kelly." I tease her.

Lily giggles. "MGK who the fuck is that? Some rap guy's girlfriend?"

I laughed at this. Though right at the moment our waitress walked up, hearing that. "MGK is like an amazing rapper. Not to mention soooooo hot."

"Pretty sure he's gay." Pete says smirking as he looked down. "Definitely heard he's sucked Rook's dick."

"I heard he has a weird mole on his ass." Lily adds, trying not to die laughing. "Oh and that he likes to put used women's socks on his dick."

I leaned down, giving her a warning nip on the neck. She was having way too much fun with this.

"I don't think any of that's true." The waitress said.

"I told him to suck my dick once." Pete smirks at me, wanting to fuck with the waitress even more.

"I told him to fuck me once." Lily says.

I pulled her closer to me. "And did I fuck you or what?"

Needless to say, our waitress was stunned. I took a picture with her, though I think she wasn't completely convinced that it was actually me. We finished our food, leaving the poor girl a good tip. Walking back to the Mulaneys, I wrapped my arm around Lily.

"Is it bad I just wanna watch movies and take a nap?" She asks as we go into the apartment.

"I'll grab us a blanket and you find us something to watch." I told her, going to grab a blanket off the bed.

When I came back she had just started Jurassic Park. Pete stretches out on the love seat while Lily and I took up the larger couch. Her eyes kept drooping as the movie continued. I held her close, letting her go back to sleep.

"Don't be afraid to get some sleep too." Pete tells me.

"Maybe later, man." I said, fully content with the feeling her sleeping form next to mine.

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