Chapter 26: Colson

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I came home from the studio to see Lily dancing around the kitchen. One of my songs was playing in the background. She only wore a pair of leggings and a sports bra. I could hear her singing along as she put a pan into the oven.

"They can suck me dick." She sang loudly.

Not being able to stop myself anymore I laughed, going to grab her by the waist. "That can be arranged."

Instead of getting embarrassed by getting caught she just laughed. "You're home."

I kissed her softly. "Just in time for the concert."

"And dinner! I'm making my chicken enchiladas." She said.

Now Lily wasn't exactly the kind of woman to cook. She wasn't a house wife. However she did know a handful of recipes that were good. Her enchiladas were one. She didn't cook often, but it was always a treat when she did.

"What's got you in the cooking mood?" I ask her.

She shrugs. "I just wanted to do something nice. Thought I'd surprise you."

"You definitely did." I kissed her again. "Though you dancing to my songs while naked and cooking would've been way better."

Her laugh echoed around the kitchen. She smacked my arm softly. "I don't just walk around naked all the time, Colson."

"Doesn't stop me from wishing you would." I tell her.

She shakes her head, going to clean up the small mess she's made while cooking. After a few minutes she went back to dancing and singing. She restarted 'GETTHEBROOM' which was some of her favorites. Her smile warmed my heart as she started to shake her ass for me.

I grab her hips, grinding against her. Her back was to my chest. Lily leaned into me when the song changed. The next one on her playlist wasn't by me. Instead it was 'She Will Be Loved' by Maroon 5. Not wanting to stop dancing with her, I spun her until we were face to face.

"Someone's in a dancing mood." She teases me.

I start swaying her. To surprise her, I dipped her low to the ground, giving her a quick peck when I did so. She giggled as we kept dancing. Her arms wrapped around my neck, gently playing with the short strands of my hair.

All too soon the oven timer went off. Lily pulled herself from my arms, going to get the pan. As soon as the oven door opened the delicious aroma filled the kitchen. I inhaled deeply, excited for this dinner.

"How was your day?" I ask her as she goes to grab plates.

"It was good. Final edits are finished on one of my books. It'll be out in stores in about two months. Then I've attempted to work on the next before giving up and deciding cooking was easier." She told me. "Plus I figured you'd enjoy the surprise of a home cooked meal."

"I enjoy coming home to you whether or not you cook." I tell her, taking a plate of enchiladas. "Though this is definitely a bonus."

We ate in the living room, watching some comedy as we are.  The enchiladas were amazing. She had added bell peppers this time which gave them extra flavor. I finished my plate and the last little bit of hers once she complained she was too full. Lily just curled into my lap, lazily watching tv.

"Look at the old married couple!" Pete Davidson greeted as he walked in like he owned the place. John and Anna followed behind him.

"I thought you weren't getting in until tomorrow?" I said as we got up to greet our guests.

The engagement party was in two days so naturally our friends were flying out to join us. I insisted that they stay with us since we had stayed with them in New York. They didn't want to inconvenience us but Lily finally made them give up in their argument. Our house had plenty of room for them.

"Well I'm a dumb ass." Pete explained.

"And?" Lily asks when he stops talking.

"Nah that's pretty much it."

"As in he's a dumb ass who booked flights for the wrong day." John informed us. "Last time I let you book things."

Lily kissed my cheek. "At least Colson's been trained a bit."

I swoop down to nip at her neck for a moment. "I'll show you trained."

"Geez, do you two never stop?!?!" Pete said.

"Not if I had it my way." I grinned.

"Ah, I remember those days of being young and in love." John wrapped an arm around his wife. "Anna, don't you remember those wild times?"

She laughs. "John Mulaney, you've always acted like an old married man even before we met."

Lily and I showed them to their rooms, knowing it was safer to put them further from our room. Lily's parents were in town as well. This time they stayed at a vacation rental due to bringing her grandparents with them. They figured it would be easier if we housed friends instead of only family.

Even with all the craziness going on, Lily seemed to be in a good spirits. Perhaps she was doing better, healing. I just hoped that she stayed like this. Seeing her break down kills me every time. I fucking love her and just want her to be happy. A girl like her only deserves happiness.

"Well there went the plan of dinner and seduction." I tell her as we start setting up game night.

Pete, the Mulaney's, and the boys- who got a text from Pete about arriving- had all decided to have a game night. Of course we agreed, knowing that it was always a good time. I had wanted to give Lily a proper thank you for the dinner, but that would have to wait.

She kissed me softly. "It's hard to say no to Pete's big brown eyes."

More like she had a hard time saying no whenever one of our friends asked for something. It was one of the things I loved about her. She'd gotten an expansion pack for Cards Against Humanity while grocery shopping, so that had also put her in the mood for a game night.

"The fun has arrived!" Dub sang out as he walked in with the rest of the boys.

"I smell dinner." Rook ran off to the kitchen.

Lily groaned. "Well there goes our leftovers."

"They'd have found it sooner or later." I reminded her.

It's like Rook had a sense of whenever Lily does cook. Sometimes it's not even out of the oven before he's invited himself for dinner. She never says no to the boys. That meant that actually having leftovers from when she cooks never happens. I didn't mind, neither did she. We were just thankful to have a family that always appeared to be around.

"Who's ready time get their asses kicked?" Slim shuffled through cards.

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