Chapter 28: Colson

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I threw my phone against the wall. Frustration caused me to tug on my hair. Today was my engagement party. I didn't need to be dealing with this shit today. Then again timing was never her strong suit.

"What was that?" Lily came out of the bathroom, hair half curled.

"Nothing." I mutter.

She gave me an unamused look before going to pick up my phone. The screen was shattered, but that didn't matter. It wasn't hard to get a replacement. This wasn't the first phone that I had shattered.

"It's locked." Lily sounded surprised.

I don't respond to that. Instead I kiss her forehead and tell her that I was gonna head downstairs. I went down to the studio, locking the door behind me. My intent was to work on some songs, but I couldn't focus.

I didn't go back upstairs until it was thirty minutes until the party started. A few people had already arrived. Lily was making small talk to the guests. I grabbed a whiskey from the bar before going over to join her.

"Kells." Diddy greeted me as I walked up. "Ready to be settled down?"

"Yeah." I responded. "Sounds great."

Lily gave me a look before going back to their original conversation. I took a swig of my drink, not bothering to join the conversation. Thoughts consumed my head. I wasn't in the right mind to be in a social setting right now. All I wanted to do was get out of there. I couldn't though.

"Colson." Lily said.

Looking down I realize that Diddy had left to go speak to someone else. "Yeah?"

"What's wrong?" She asks me.

"Fuck. Nothing." I say, frustrated.

She flinches, stepping away from me. "Fine. I'm going to go speak to someone who actually cares."

I watch her walk away as I finish my drink. She wraps her arms around herself. It was one of her defense mechanisms she used to put on a brave face. In an instant John and Rook are by her side. They glance over my way as they whisper to her.

"Stop fucking up shit." Ashleigh cane up to me with another drink.

"What the fuck have I done?" I ask her angrily.

"It's your engagement party and your fiancé has been crying since before the party started." Ash tells me. "Only one person could have done that."

I sigh. "Shit."

"How about you get your shit together." She says.

Ash was always the one to not put up with my shit. For years she was always the person to tell me what everyone else was afraid to. That's why I keep her as my manager. I need someone who tells me the shit I don't want to hear. Right now that was how much I've already upset Lily on a day that's supposed to be about us.

I make my way over to the three huddled up in the corner. "Lily, can I talk to you?"

She nods, getting up to follow me inside. We go to her library, a place no one would wander up on us. I just wanted to be away from everyone for the moment.

"Who is she?" Lily asks in a broken voice as I close the door behind us.

"What?" I ask.

"You've never locked me out of your phone before." She says. "Plus you've been distant all day."

"I'm just going through shit." I tell her.

She plays with her ring. "It's our engagement party, Colson. Is this even what you want?"

I grabbed her hand, stopping her from taking the ring off. "Fuck, Lily. I'm sorry."

"If you don't want to marry me then just say it." Tears start pouring down her face.

"Lily, I want to marry you."

"It doesn't seem like it." She says under her breath.

There was no point in holding it back anymore. "My mother called."

Her face snaps up to look at me. "What?"

"She called me this morning saying that she wanted to see me." I tell her. "First time I've heard from her in years and she calls me today. Wants to reconnect or some shit."

"Oh, Colson." Lily cups my face.

I lean into her touch. "It's been on my mind all day. I didn't want to burden you with my shit."

"I'm going to be your wife. It's my job to be burdened with your shit. I can't help you if you don't tell me." She says.

"I know." I sigh. "I'm still trying to process it."

"Are you going to go see her?"

"Fuck if I know." I groan. "Why the fuck did she have to do this shit?"

"I don't know." Lily says.

I wrap my arms around her, breathing in her scent. She relaxed into my touch. Her hand stroked my back, comforting me as best as she could. I just held her close to me.

"I can go send everyone home." Lily suggests as she pulls back from my embrace.

I shake my head. "Nah, I'm good. Let's go enjoy our engagement and just say fuck that bitch for now."

"Are you sure?" She asks.

I kiss her. "I'm sure."

We rejoin the party. I push all thoughts of my mother to the back of my mind. Instead I focused on Lily. She deserved to be happy. That's why I didn't tell her earlier. I didn't want to drag her into my shit.

Lily and I made our rounds. After another drink I was more relaxed. It was easier to let myself go and enjoy it now. Lily was a natural at making small talk with everyone. I let her take the lead as we spoke to our guests. In another life she had to have been a politician's wife. Only way to explain it.

"You good?" Slim asks as Lily grabbed everyone's attention for a toast.

I nod at him before wrapping an arm around my fiancé. "I'd like to thank all of you for coming out to celebrate our engagement. Lily is everything I could have imagined as my perfect woman and for some reason she's decided to marry my skinny white ass. Fuck if I know why, but I thank God every day. So let's toast to my beautiful wife to be."

She blushes as she kissed my cheek. We all toast to her, raising our glasses in the air. After everyone takes a sip of their drink, I kiss her causing everyone to cheer.

"I fucking love you." I tell her after pulling away.

"You, Colson Baker, are crazy. I love you though." She smiles at me.

"To the happy couple!" Dub shouts, raising his glass.

Everyone drinks to us. Instead of drinking more I kiss her again. The taste of champagne on her tongue. I could feel her blushing into the kiss. Everyone was staring but I didn't give a damn.

"Thanks for kissing me like that right in front of my parents." She grumbles when we pull back.

I laugh. "I could've done worse."

"Be glad I love you." She pokes me in the chest with a laugh.

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