Chapter 18: Colson

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We flew to my house in LA straight from New York after a week more in the big city. As much as I wanted to keep relaxing with Lily, I also wanted to get back to work. I had a few tracks to finish working on before my new album could be released. We also had the film premiere in two weeks.

"Ugh, my schedule is jam packed." Lily threw her phone onto the couch from the kitchen. "It's like I'm trying to make up for missing a year instead of a month."

I kiss her forehead. "Tell me about it. Ellen wants us on her show by the way. She was thinking next week."

"I could do Tuesday. No, shit. Vanity Fair is Tuesday. How's Wednesday for you?"

"Wednesday I have a meeting with the label. Thursday?"

She nods. "Yeah I can do that. Remember my family is flying in that Friday."

I groaned at this. It's not that I didn't get on with her parents, because I sort of did. They just put a lot of stress on Lily. She feels like she has to be perfect for them. Both are surgeons in Atlanta, top of their professions. Not to mention they're very conservative when it comes to how she dresses.

"I've put off their visit for too long." She sighs.

"Just don't let what they say bother you." I tell her.

"Easy for you to say. They aren't your parents." Lily mutters under her breath.

I wrap my arms around her. "It'll be fine. I'll be here the whole time. Ash already knows not to schedule anything that doesn't involve you when they're here."

"Marry me." She squeezes me.

"I already asked." I leaned down to kiss her. "By the way, Ash said she'd email you a list of wedding planners for us."

Lily groans. "Can't we just elope?"

"As tempting as that sounds, everyone would kill us." I remind her.

Her parents would be furious if we eloped. Not to mention I know it would be something she'd regret. It wouldn't be a small affair, we knew too many people. Part of me just wanted to say fuck it and elope. If she asked me to elope, I'd have to fight to say no. It's our future. I did want photos of her in a gorgeous dress to look back on.

"Colson?" Lily asks, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Yes?" I question, looking down at her.

"Now that we're back to our normal lives, can you promise me you won't shut me out?"

I bent down until I was looking her straight in the eyes. "Babe, I'm not going anywhere. Every night I will be holding you as you go to sleep. Every second that I have free, I'll either be with you or on the phone with you."

"I love you." She buries her head into my chest.

I held her, trying to ignore the feeling of her shaking body. She was letting all of her stress control her emotions. Sometimes she'd let her anxieties keep attacking her until she breaks down. At times like this, all I really can do is hold her and whisper sweet nothings. She was there for me on days when I'd break down. Though my break downs tend to be more violent than emotional.

"I fucking love you." I tell her.

"Show me." She says, eyes staring up brightly at me.

Without any hesitation I attached my lips to hers. Her arms wrapped around my neck. Fingers weaving themselves in my hair. I pull her hips tightly towards mine. Automatically her legs wrap around my waist. I enjoyed the feeling of her body against mine. Her tits pressed tightly against my chest.

I wasted no time in carrying her upstairs. Carefully avoiding our yet to be unpacked bags, I made my way across the room. She let out a yelp as I tossed her onto the bed. Her teeth sank into her bottom lip as she looked at me with those big brown eyes. I stalked towards her like a predator.

"Strip." I demand.

She slowly takes off her top, making a show of revealing those lush breasts. I can't help but palm myself through my jeans as I watch. This strip tease was infuriating. She was purposely torturing me, seeing how long it takes before I lose control. I don't give into her game. Instead I patiently wait until she's fully undressed before me.

"So fucking beautiful." I say as I stroke her bare skin. "Like an angel."

Her small hands cup my cheeks. She loved doing that. It was as if that's one of the ways she shows me how much she cares for me. "You're far too over dressed." 

After kissing her deeply, I pull back to remove my shirt. She sighs softly as I start to unbutton my pants. Her eyes seemed to have gotten dark with desire. I leave on nothing, choosing to stand there confidently in the nude in front of her. She sat up on her knees to grab me, dragging me towards her.

There was no need for foreplay. The two of us had to be connected in that moment. We found serenity within each other, never seeming to be close enough to each other. If I had my way, I would never leave from inside of her. It was my heaven.

It was a sick game sometimes. Lily would need physical connection to prove my love or attraction to her. I needed it to feel like she wouldn't abandon me. I ignored these feelings as I moved inside her, focused on bringing her pleasure. Giving her that distraction that she needs.

"So close." She moans, kissing down my neck.

I pull her hair, forcing her to look up at me. I stared into her eyes for a moment before going to suck on a spot in her neck. She moans louder, clenching tightly around me. There was no questioning it, I wasn't going to last much longer. Picking up the pace, I started pounding into her.

Lily screams out, riding out her pleasure. Only a few more rough thrusts until I release inside of her. I continue to thrust as I spill into her. Both of our hearts pounding against our chests.

"I love you." She says, out of breath.

I kiss her, feeling our sticky skin cling to one another. "Lily, you're my fucking world."

She snuggles into me, smiling softly. "I suddenly feel a lot more relaxed."

I chuckle. "Babe, anytime you need me to fuck the stress out of you, I will. No matter the time or place."

"I might hold you too that." Lily kisses my chest.

I knew she would too.

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