Chapter 37: Lily

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Tour was fun and high spirited as always. Of course there were the days where we were all too hungover to enjoy it, but for the most part we kept partying and sight seeing. In almost every city, Colson made sure to set aside time for just us so that we could enjoy our little "honeymoon". 

We were currently in Amsterdam which is Colson's favorite part of the European tour. From the weed shops to the clubs, there wasn't a part that he didn't enjoy. By luck of scheduling, or rather Ash knowing how much we enjoyed it here, we also got three days off here. Three days to tour the different weed shops. 

Colson had me wrapped up in his arms as we walked around the city. After spending the morning in our hotel room enjoying married life, we finally got out to explore the city. I was tired from the constant traveling, but would do anything for my husband. Even if that meant that I got out of the comfy hotel bed to go to five different weed shops. 

"Mmmm, weed." He grins as we walk into the third store. 

I love to smoke as much as the next person but I was getting tired. The smell of it all was starting to get to me. I leaned onto my husband as he eagerly talked to the shop worker. My eyes kept wanting to close. Maybe I wasn't as young as I used to be when it comes to all this touring. 

"Smell this one." Colson says, shoving a jar in my face. 

As soon as the smell hit me, I held back the urge to vomit. "I think I'm gonna head back to the hotel." 

He turns to look at me. "What?"

"I'm getting tired. I think I just need to go lay down." I give him a kiss. "Stay, have fun." 

"Are you sure?" He asks. "I can go back with you." 

"No, it's fine." I assure him. 

After a few more questions of him asking if I was sure, I escaped. Thankfully the hotel was only a few blocks away. Ash was in the lobby coming back with a coffee when I arrived. She looked around, expecting Colson to be with me. We were hardly ever apart since we got married so it was a fair assumption that he would be here. 

"He's still shopping." I told her. "I'm not feeling too well so I just thought I'd head back." 

"What's going on?" she asks, looking me over. 

"I'm just tired." I shrugged. "Plus all the weed smell was getting to me." 

"Let's get you to a doctor." Ash suggested, pulling out her phone. 

"It's nothing. There's no point in going to see a doctor about me just being tired from traveling." I said. 

She wouldn't take no for an answer. Thirty minutes later I found myself sitting on an exam table with her sitting next to me. She knew that if she sent me alone that I wouldn't go. It's silly how she's making a big deal out of nothing. Hopefully the doctor will tell her the same thing. 

The doctor came in and started blood work after I told him what was going on. The results would be in in about an hour and until then he told me to just go back to the hotel and rest. I gave an 'I told you so' look to Ash before thanking the doctor. She still insisted on keeping me company in the room as we waited for the results. 

My phone rang in less than an hour. With how quick they got back to me, I began to worry. If they call quickly, it can't be good news. 

"Mrs. Baker?" The doctor's voice greeted me when I answered the phone. 

"Yes, this is she." I said. 

"We got the blood test results back. Congratulations are in order. You're about two weeks along. I'm going to have one of my staff to drop off a prescription for you at your hotel for vitamins." He says. 

He gave me a bit more advice before hanging up. I sat there in shock. We'd talked about trying again but I didn't expect it to happen so quickly. Sure we weren't doing anything to prevent it. I figured that my birth control would take a bit longer to work it's way out of my system. 

"What did he say?" Ash asked. 

"Turns out I'm pregnant." I say, the words feeling so foreign. 

"I knew it!" She grinned. "When are you going to tell Kells?" 

"Tell me what?" Colson asked, walking into the hotel room. 

"I'll leave you to it." Ash gave my hand a squeeze before leaving. 

"What's going on?" He asks, coming to sit down next to me. 

"Ash decided to force me to go to the doctor." I said. 

Concern washes over his face. "Is everything okay?" 

"Yeah, it just turns out that I won't be drinking or smoking any time soon." 


I grab his hands, playing with his wedding band for a minute. "Turns out I'm about two weeks pregnant." 

Those ocean blue eyes lit up as he looks me over. "We're gonna have a baby?" 

"You've managed to knock me up, Colson Baker." I tell him. 

He pulls me into his arms, holding me close. "This is the best thing I could've hoped for." 

Colson started rambling off about the baby. He couldn't contain his excitement. That should make me feel more excited. Instead it just had me worried. We already lost one baby. I don't think I could survive if I lost another. Two weeks was just a small amount of the pregnancy. Barely even a minute. So much could happen before we reach that nine month mark. 

"Are you happy about this?" He stops his rambling to ask me. 

"Yeah." I tell him, kissing him before he can say anything else.  

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2020 ⏰

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