Chapter 29: Lily

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The engagement party went well after our chat in the library. He went back to being my Colson. Now the party was at the end. Most of the guests had left besides my parents, grandmother, the boys, Mulaneys, Ash, and Pete. The Mulaneys were currently chatting up my parents.

"Are we married yet?" Colson asks as he wraps my arms around me from behind.

I laughed, turning to kiss his cheek. "No, still engaged."

He groans into my neck causing me to squirm at the warm air. "Being engaged is a lot of work."

"Yes, yes it is." I turn in his arms to look at his beautiful face.

"Let's go chat with your family." Colson suggests, knowing that my mother would complain if we didn't.

"Aren't you the good son in law." I tease, taking his hand as we walk over there. 

It was quite easy to jump into the conversation when we walked up. John was telling my parents places that they should go when the visit New York. My parents were planning a trip there for later this year. John and Anna probably knew a New York that they'd visit rather than most of my experiences in New York with Colson. A lot of the places we liked were the last places my almost sixty year old parents should be.

"So are you going to cover all those tattoos for the wedding?" My grandma asks Colson.

I couldn't hold back my laughter. With age her filter is going so she just says things without considering how they might come off. "Well, Grandma, it's not like he can just get them off for the wedding."

Colson smirks. "They'll be as covered as the suit and tie provide."

"Suit and tie?" I question.

I can remember the last time I had seen him in a full suit and tie. A suit he'll wear. Just most of the shirt buttons will be undone. The mental image of Colson dressed like James Bond has me wanting to fan myself. This man could pull off anything.

"Can't have you being the only one looking classy on our big day." He winks at me.

"I'm sure you'll look very handsome." Mom says with a smile. She's probably just glad that he will be wearing a shirt for the wedding.

When I had first introduced my parents to Colson, he had been on tour. We were in Georgia, where my parents live. Colson has just finished up his concert when all of a sudden my parents were back stage. Yeah, a Machine Gun Kelly concert isn't exactly something that my parents needed to see. They met him all sweaty and shirtless, tattoos on full display.

Shock would be a good way to describe how they were when they met him. Not exactly the boy next door that they wanted for their daughter. They had wanted to surprise me since it had been our first night in town, not wanting to wait until the next day for lunch. Well I hadn't been the only one surprised. Nothing like seeing your daughter's boyfriend swing around drink and smoke.

Over the years, they've grown to accept Colson though. It was rough at first. Now I think they focus on the fact that he loves me and takes care of me. Ever since my mom found out about his family, she's been much more accepting. My dad likes him. Whenever we go visit them, they both disappear to the gun range for father son bonding I guess.

My family left soon, deciding that it was time for them to go get ready for dinner. Now the house just had our close friends which was a relief. I could finally stop being the hostess and having to make rounds. I can just relax. Except there were more pressing issues.

I dragged Colson up to our room. We went onto the patio connected to the master. I sat down in his lap as I light up my cigarette. He does the same, resting a hand on my thigh. My fingers lazily stroked his blonde hair, enjoying the softness.

"I can't help but imagining what it would've been like if my family had been here." Colson said in a small voice.

"Are you going to talk to her?" I ask.

He sighs. "I don't know. She left me. The last time I saw her she gave me a flash drive of pictures of me when I was younger. That was years ago. Now why does she want to see me?"

"She'll always be your mother."

"Yeah well she hadn't been that since she fucking left me." His voice was loud with this, getting riled up.

I put a hand on his chest. "I know, Colson. No need to get angry at me."

He sighs, wrapping his arms around my waist. "I just keep being a dick. You don't deserve that."

I decide on dropping the subject. He'll end up meeting with her. He always does. It's just like he loves to torture himself with scenarios of seeing her again. Right now he just needed to go through these crazy reasons he's thinking that she wants to meet him. There was no talking to him about it while his mind is reeling.

"So will you be all James Bond suit at our wedding?" I ask him as my fingers trail along his jaw line.

He chuckles, his hands stroking my wait. "Does that get you all hot and bothered?"

"A little bit." I confess.

"If I'd known that was a easy way to get in your pants I might start wearing them more often." He smirks.

"Colson Baker, everything about you gets me hot and bothered." I remind him with a blush.

Colson laughs. "I fucking love you."

"I'll always love you." I give him a soft kiss. 

Mischief in his eyes as he leans in. "Now how about you go take off that pretty little dress."

I giggle. "And then what?"

"And then we order take out." He finishes. "You didn't get a chance to eat at the party, so we need to fix that."

Shaking my head with a grin, I know there's no point in arguing with him. Knowing that he's watching, I make a show of stripping of the cocktail dress I was wearing. In just a thong, I took my time picking out a pair of leggings and one of Colson's shirts to wear.

I turn to him once I've redressed. "Pizza sounds good."

"Not the only thing." His eyes focused on me like a predator watching prey.

"You're the one who wants me to eat first." I remind him with a kiss.

Colson groans, trying to focus on the nurturing side not the horniness. "Fuck. So pizza. BBQ Hawaiian no onion with thin crust and bell peppers added."

"Perfect." I grin.

We went downstairs to see if anyone else wanted pizza before we ordered. If we hadn't of done that Pete or Rook would've come and stolen all of our food. Everyone gathered in the living room as we waited for pizza. I put some sitcom on the television to have as background noise.

After grabbing the pizza from the delivery man, Colson came to snuggle against me on the couch. I leaned into him, enjoying his warmth as well as the pizza. When no one was looking  I licked some sauce away from the corner of Colson's mouth.

"We have guests." He impersonates me, pretending to be shocked.

I laugh at him. "No, babe. We are with our family."

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