Chapter 33: Lily

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For the past three weeks I had been working on my next book as well as the final details of my wedding from the tour bus. In between sound checks and performing, Colson was helping out as much as he could. I kind of felt like we were crazy for trying to do all of this at once. Especially with not being in LA to speak to the vendors in person. 

A week before the wedding I left the tour to go and finish the final stages. I hated being separated from Colson. Our California king bed felt too large without him. Being away from him was hard. We FaceTimed as much as we could, but it wasn't the same. I just wanted him here with me. 

Today was the day though. We were finally at our wedding day. I hadn't seen really Colson in a week. He'd gotten to LA two days ago in time for our rehearsal dinner. I got to see him for two hours before we were forced to part ways once again. We had decided to go with the tradition that the groom couldn't see the bride until she walked down the isle. 

"Are you ready?" Dove asks me as she helps straighten out my veil. 

"More than ready." I said. 

"You look beautiful." Mom says, putting a hand on my shoulder. 

I had to agree to that. I looked like I walked straight out of a fairytale. My hair was curled into large flowing spirals. The lace veil matched my dress perfectly. Soft gold colors made up most of my makeup. A bright red lipstick gave me a very vintage beauty look. My custom Jimmy Choo heels fit perfectly. Underneath my skirt was a baby blue garter with a double X charm hanging from it. 

"It's not too late to back out." Ash jokes.

"Nah, I'll gladly be stuck with him." I smile. 

We took a few before pictures with my bridesmaids and my family. The sky was completely clear, giving amazing lighting. Everything was perfect. 

It was finally time. The music started to play as the girls entered first. Casie was the youngest of my bridesmaids, seeing as she was barely too old to be the flower girl. My heart was pounding as it was my turn to walk down the aisle. Everyone stood up from their chairs as I entered. I didn't look at anyone, I only had eyes for one person. 

Colson stood there looking as handsome as always. I smiled at him, trying to make sure that I didn't rush to him. He looked at me with complete adoration. This was it. He's going to be my husband. After today he was officially going to be mine. Today we are starting a new chapter in our life. 

My father kissed my cheek as he gave me away to Colson. Instantly he grabbed onto my hands, giving them a squeeze. "You look so fucking beautiful." he whispers to me before the officiant started. 

I got lost in those beautiful blue ocean eyes as the ceremony began. He couldn't keep his eyes off of me either. I wanted nothing more than to be in his arms right now. I should be paying attention to the minister, but Colson was all too distracting just by him standing there in that tux. 

"Lily," Colson began his vows with a soft smile. "I never thought I'd find a woman that was for me. Then you came crashing into my world and my life has changed forever. Every minute that I'm not with you is a wasted moment. You're it for me. I can't imagine my life without you, nor do I ever want to. I love you, forever and always." 

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