Chapter 25: Lily

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"I can't believe you two." Ashleigh said. "Five months to plan a wedding. Especially with your already crazy schedules."

"It is awfully rushed." My mother agreed.

I sighed, deciding to just keep my mouth shut. Mom has flown in to come help look for a wedding dress. My gaggle of helpers consisted of my mother, Ashleigh, Rook, and Dove. Rook insisted that he came to act as a buffer but I really knew it was because he wanted to.

"So what kind of dress were you thinking?" Dove asks, smiling softly. "I love you in that princess kind of gown. You were absolutely gorgeous at the premiere."

"Thanks. I did like that kind of style but I also want like lace sleeves I think." I said, looking through the catalog as we waited for our helper.

A woman named, Val, came over to help us. She was one of Vera Wang's personal assistants. Due to my public profile as well as Colson's, we were given the VIP treatment. That meant getting access to the private collection for celebrities. My fear was that I didn't find one that I liked. I didn't want to offend Vera by not choosing one of her dresses when she offered me a private showing.

The first dress I tried on was a mermaid style. The fabric clung to my body. I didn't like it. I felt like everything was emphasized. All my flaws were pointed out for everyone to see. My hands shook as I went to show everyone.

"It doesn't suit you very well." Mom says. "A little right in too many places."

I nodded my head. "Yeah I didn't like it either."

My pace was steady as I made it back to the dressing room. I waited until the door shut before I let my tears fall. They were silent and few but they were still there. My hands shook as I went to change the dress.

The second dress wasn't much better. It was a little looser but still only made me feel worse about myself. I kept on a brave face in front of the others though. It would become a whole scene if they knew. I just didn't want it to become a big deal.

I went through five more dresses until I found the one. At least I hoped it was. It was so beautiful as it hung from the hanger. The dress was similar to the one that Kate Middleton had worn. Small pearls and little crystals were woven into the dress. Swarovski crystals to be exact.

My breath was held as Val helped lace of up the back to the dress. I let go of my breath when I looked in the mirror. The soft corset inside of the dress helped give me more of an hour glass figure. The skirt was a lighter ball gown style. My arms were covered in lace sleeves with detailed designs as well as the pearls and crystals.

"Oh my gosh!" Ash gasped when I came out.

"You look absolutely beautiful." Mom said, dabbing the tears at the corner of her eyes.

"Like a fairytale." Dove glowed at me.

"Kells is gonna flip his shit." Rook told me. "All he's gonna be thinking about is gettin-"

I cut him off. "We get it, Rook."

I couldn't help but spin in the dress. The skirt flowing around me. Light caught the crystals causing them to shine.

Vera Wang clapped as she walked into the room. "I was hoping this would be the one you'd choose. I had designed this after reading your book actually."

"You really are talented. I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it on the hanger." I gushed.

"It's your's." She grinned. "I'll have my people do the alterations and it'll be perfect in time for the big day. When is it?"

"Five months from now. Colson and I decided that we wanted to do it before the European half of his tour." I said. "Will that be enough time?"

"That's plenty of time. Don't worry about the dress, let me do that. You worry about your wedding and your next book. I want to preorder it when it's ready." She gave me a hug.

"I'll send you a signed copy." I promised her.

The tailors came out to see what needed fixing. It was almost perfect just needed to be shortened a bit and, to my delight, some tightening in a few spots. All the weight felt lifted from my shoulders as we left. The doubt I had earlier leaving my body for the time being.

"You did look fuckin' beautiful." Rook told me as we got into the Range Rover. "Like an angel."

I kissed his cheek. "Thank you."

The five of us went to lunch to celebrate. Everything was light and cheery. After lunch we all split up. The three other women went off to go plan the engagement party while I headed home with Rook. I was excited to see him, but wasn't going to give away a single detail on my dress.

Colson greeted us with a stony face as soon as we went into the house. His jaw was clenched. His muscles were popping through his shirt. "Well look who's back. Enjoy your little date?"

"What are you taking about? We went shopping for her dress." Rook was just as confused as I.

Colson pointed to the article pulled up on his phone. It was clearly from today, we were still in the same clothes. The photo showed Rook whispering something to me then me kissing his cheek. The article claimed that I was having a secret affair with Rook.

I laughed at this. "He's my big brother. You aren't seriously pissed about this."

"Kells, man." Rook put his hands up. "She's your girl. You know I'd never do that to you."

Colson stood up, glaring at the two of us. Then he started laughing. "I'm a great fucking actor."

Rook relaxed. "Not fucking funny, dude."

I wrap my arms around Colson's waist. "You're a dick."

"Your dick." He corrects me with a grin. "Now who is gonna tell me what my girl will be wearing for our wedding?"

"My lips and Rook's lips are shut." I told him, lightly smacking his chest. "Don't even try to get it out of us or no sex until our first anniversary."

"You wouldn't do that to me." He pouted.

I kissed him. "Oh yes I would. I want you to be surprised."

"Fine." He says. "Just remember that I'm the one that you'll be kissing at the end of the isle."

"And I'll be wearing the dress." I beamed up at him.

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