Chapter 24: Colson

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Lily giggled, leaning into me. She was just tipsy and smiling. We were still at the after party but I didn't think we'd be here much longer. The party was dwindling down.

"You were incredible." Lily said, slipping her arms underneath my jacket.

"And you've had a bit to drink." I can't help but laugh at her. "Bedtime soon."

She pouts. "But I wanna stay up."

I kiss her, tasting the champagne on her breath. "If you insist."

She flung herself at Rook. "We can party all night."

He boops her nose. "Nah, you and Kells can do that."

I pulled her back into my arms. "Am I not good enough for you, babe?"

Champagne drunk Lily was one of my favorite things. She was silly, always wiggling around. It was like she was a little red panda, overreacting in the cutest way. A little blush colored her cheeks, a sign that she'd had enough to drink but was still functioning.

"I guess I'll keep you." She smiles up at me. "You're kinda pretty."

"Yep and kinda pretty boy is gonna take you home now." Rook said to her. He looks up at me. It was clear from the look that he was in big brother mode. "Take care of her."

"I will." I promise him. I hoist her up into my arms, her squeals deafening me slightly. "Come on, babe. Let's get you on to the next party."

"Yay! More party!" She wiggles in my arms.

Lily kept babbling as I carried her towards the elevator. I didn't understand her, but pretended that I was listening. Like a little kid, her hands found their way into my hair. She always seemed to play with my hair. I didn't mind.

"Colton?" She asked once we were in the elevator.

"Yes?" I look down at her.

"You were fucking incredible tonight." More giggles. "I love you."

"I fucking love you." I kiss her.

As soon as we were in the room she pulled me towards the patio for our suite. I grab two bottles of cran-apple before joining her. She's gotten me addicted to them. I sat down next to her on the ground. Lily say there, staring up at the stars.

"I wanna marry you." She says when I hand her the drink.

I laugh. "You already said you would."

"Like right now." She looks at me.

"Soon." I tell her, putting an arm around her.

"I want to marry you soon." She sighs into my arms.

I couldn't help but help but get excited by this. From the moment I met her I'd wanted to claim her as mine. Soon it would be official. I was ready to spend the rest of my life with her.

"I think we could have a wedding in five months." Lily adds.

"There's a few weeks in the touring schedule that we have off around that time. That would be right before the European half." I told her. "If you really want this."

"Married before you hit Europe? Sure you don't want to hit Amsterdam as a bachelor one last time?"

"It'll be more fun knowing that you're all mine." I kiss her forehead.

She grinned at me as if I was the one who had put the stars in the sky. "I can't wait to marry the fuck out of you."

I pull her into my lap. "Mrs. Lillian Baker has a nice ring to it."

Her arms wrap around my neck. "We'll have to call Ashleigh in the morning to tell her we've roughly set a date."

"You're serious?" I ask her. I figured we'd get married in a year or so.

She presses a soft kiss against my lips. "I'm just afraid our schedules are gonna get crazy and we'll just forget about it."

I take her chin into my hand, forcing her to look into my eyes. "I would never forget about making you mine officially. If you wanted to go down to city hall tomorrow, I would go with you. Five months sounds perfect."

"You're there most wonderful man." She pulls me close.

I hold her against me. "I'm only like this with you, babe."

There was no holding back, I smashed my lips to hers. She softly moaned, arching into me. Her breasts pressed tightly against my chest. My hands grabbed ahold of her hips pulling her against me.

Her hands were slightly clumsy as they went to unbutton my shirt. In one easy swipe I unzipped her dress allowing it to pool around her waist. I didn't give two fucks that we were out on the patio of our hotel suite. Someone could easily see us. Being with her was the only thing I cared about at the moment.

"I need you." Lily moans as I nibble on her neck.

"Yes, my love." I grunt as I thrust into her.

Her face goes into my neck to stop herself from being too loud. I could feel her teeth sinking in causing me to moan loudly. She ground against me, nails raking down my back. My fingers dig into her hips, enjoying letting her mark me.

"You feel so good." I tell her, kissing her deeply.

"So good." She echoes in a deep moan.

That little sound caused me to drive into her like I was a machine gun. She cried out into my neck, screaming her pleasure. I could feel as she clenched around me, squeezing me tight. I glanced down between us to see myself disappear into her.

"Cum for me, babe." I grunt, knowing I won't last much longer.

Lily calls out my name as she succumbed to her release. I kept pounding into her, loving the sounds that she was making. As I spilled inside of her I kissed her. She relaxed into the kiss, sighing against me when I finished thrusting into her.

"I fucking love you." I breathe kissing her neck.

She smiled at me. "I love you too."

I eased her off of me before helping her inside to the suite. "That was nice practice for the honeymoon."

"I hope that you've got more moves than that to please me on our wedding night." She teased.

I smacked her ass, skin turning pink. "I've got plenty of moves to show you."

"Then come get me, Gunner." She says, laying down on the bed.

I crack my neck, grinning at her. Needless to say, we didn't get much sleep.

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