Chapter 15: Lily

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"Daddy!" Casie yelled as we were doing our final run through before the show. She ran up to him, throwing herself at him full force.

He hugged her tightly. "What are you doing here?"

"Lily flew Mom and I out." She tells him before coming over to hug me.

"You did?" He asks me.

I kiss him softly. "Go spend time with Casie before the show. I'm gonna go annoy Rook and Pete."

The father daughter pair walked off. He quickly started pointing things out to her as he gave her a tour. I loved the soft smile he gets whenever he looks at her. It really melts my heart seeing them together.

"Thank you for letting her come out." I told Emma, finding her with Rook.

"He's her dad." She shrugs. "She looks up to him and wants to always be with him."

"She's growing up so much." I sigh. "Every time I see her it's like she's older."

Emma hugged me. "Casie's a great girl. She gets that from her dad and I. She also gets that from you though. You've been a second mom to her for the past couple of years."

I didn't always agree with Emma on things, but I saw her as a friend. She always knew the right thing to say. I was surprised at how easy going she was when I first started dating Colson. They were just friends now. Friends that had a beautiful spirit.

"I'm just mad that she didn't even come to see her uncles." Rook pouted.

"You babysat her last week." Emma reminded him. 

"Plus who wants to see you?" I tease.

He gives me a smirk before throwing me over his shoulder. I laugh, trying to get down. He wouldn't have it. Rook kept carrying me around, spinning in circles on occasion. I smacked at his back, squealing for him to let me go. He roughly throws me down onto the couch in the dressing room.

"I hate you." I said, trying to straighten my clothes.

"No you don't." He lays across my lap. "I'm like a puppy. You love me."

"A puppy that even the shelter didn't want." I say, poking him in the side.

"On a real note, I'm glad your doing better." He says quietly to me.

I ruffle his hair. "Okay maybe I do like having you around."

Colson and Casie came back in a few minutes later so that she and her mom could go to their seats. Colson and I got ready for the show. I ran my hands over his plaid jacket. The black button up was only done half way, giving a sneak peak to his tattooed chest.

"I like you in plaid." I say, straightening his collar for him.

"I like how you represent." His hand gently touching the diamond XX necklace that hung from my neck.

"It gives me confidence." I admit. "Let's me know that I got a bad mother fucker standing next to me."

He chuckles. "Damn fucking right."

Before I knew it, it was time to start the show. My heart was pounding. I'd done interviews before. Not to mention there was a good bit of me on Kellyvision. This was different though. What if I screwed it all up?

"Knock 'em dead, gorgeous." Colson kissed me deeply.

I pulled away from him, smiling. "You always know what to do."

The sound of my name being announced pulled me away from him. I took a deep breath before walking out onto the stage the crowd cheered at me. Looking in the front row I could see Casie cheering the loudest. I blew her a kiss before starting my monologue.

"Wow, this is insane. I'm hosting Saturday Night Live for the first time. Not only is this my first time, but this is also the first time that an author has hosted." The crowd cheers at this. "I know, crazy right? It just goes to show that they're running out of people to have on this show. I mean, what are they gonna have Alec Baldwin host a million times?

"Now as some of you may know, there's a movie called Save Me that's coming out next month. Yep, staring Lucy Hale and Colson Baker. It's based on my first novel. A lot of people have asked me if I really thought a rapper was the right person to play the lead in my movie. To this I respond, have you seen how hot he is. Seriously, ladies, if you want to get yourself a hot man all you need to do is write a book, get it made into a movie, then hire a really hot guy and he's stuck with you cause he's in your movie." The crowd laughed at this. "Everyone you are in for an amazing show tonight. The wonderful Machine Gun Kelly is here!"

With finishing my monologue I go off the stage to get ready for the first sketch. Colson blows me a kiss as I go to change into my outfit for the Celebrity Family Feud. With a wig and some of Kate's personal clothes I really did look like her.

This sketch got the best laughter from the crowd. They loved Colson playing Eminem. Not to mention John Mulaney as Pete Davidson was one of the best impressions I'd ever seen. It was hard trying not to break as we all looked at each other.

There was another sketch before it was time for Colson to perform. I introduced him before going to watch him beside Casie. She cheered loudly for her dad as he took the stage. He winked at me before starting his song. I cheered him on, smiling as I watched him light up the room.

Before I knew it, the show was at its conclusion. I took the stage with Colson beside me as well as John and the rest of the SNL and EST crew. "Thank you to Lorne for this incredible opportunity. Thank you to John Mulaney, the entire cast and crew. And a special thank you to Machine Gun Kelly, without you none of this would've been possible. Thank you everyone this has been one of the best nights in my life."

The crowd cheered as we all congratulated each other on a great show. I hugged John first before turning to Colson. He pulled me into his arms, picking me up off the ground.

"This was amazing." I smile brightly at him.

"I'm so proud of you, babe." He hugs me tightly. "You're amazing."

"I love you, Colson Baker." I tell him.

"Then marry me." He says causing everyone around us to stop.

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