Chapter 1

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March 18th, 2000. This was the worst day of our hero's life. He was eleven when his mother died. That night he woke up due to a noise in his room, he decided to go down to see what was going on and that's when he saw his mother surrounded in streaks of red and yellow lightning.

He still tried to do something to save her, but his mother shouted to tell him to save himself and suddenly his father advised him to run and, not knowing how yet, was found at 20 blocks from his house. When he returned home, he saw the police arresting his father and although his father told him not to enter, he did not obey and that was when he saw Joe West next to his mother's body.

After this incident, he moved to the West home, where he knew that the passion he had created for his best friend Iris could not evolve. Although he wanted to visit his father in prison, he did not want to see him.

His adolescence was a little agitated, as expected, but he managed to graduate from college with a double specialization in physics and chemistry. It was with these specializations that he studied criminology at Central City University, to prove that his father was innocent of his mother's murder. And with the course ready, Captain David Singh hired him to be a junior CSI at the Central City Police Department (CCPD).

Both he and Iris attended the lecture that Dr. Wells gave to explain how his project, Particle Accelerator would lead to a much greater future . He later returned to the lab to see evidence of a new crime that his colleagues began investigating in the morning when the particle accelerator sent a shock-wave through the city, and only seconds later he was struck by a yellow bolt of lightning through a window in the roof.

After that incident he was admitted to the Central City hospital where he was in a coma. However, Dr. Wells, who had started to visit him, realized that the boy's heart was beating faster and faster and when Barry's condition began to worsen he was moved to STAR Labs to be closely monitor.

Nine months later, Barry woke up in a bed in a room at the STAR Labs lab and that's where he met Dr. Wells, Cisco Ramone and Dr. Caitlin Snow. Frightened and without understanding what was going on, he thanked those people who had been with him all those months but he wanted to return to his normal life.

He discovered shortly after that that would never be possible and decided to accept the help that the STAR Labs team proposed. From there he, with the help of Cisco Ramone and Caitlin Snow, began to assume his identity as a super hero, that is, The Flash to save the city from meta-humans, that is, people like him, with powers.

From that day forward, Barry had taken two jobs, both at CCPD as a CSI and then went to STAR Labs to fight meta-humans. Barry is described by people who know him as a very intelligent person. He has a strong sense of justice and cares more about the people he loves than about himself.

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