Chapter 38

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When I heard that the waters had burst, I knew that I had to defeat this meta-human as soon as possible. It was not easy, as I still took a few punches but I managed to immobilize him and put the handcuffs on him to take him to prison in STAR Labs.

When I got there I took off the Flash suit and went with Harry to the hospital. Of course, thanks to my super speed we got there in a matter of seconds. We asked at the reception the number of the room where Caitlin was and we entered the elevator.

"You have arrived!" Exclaimed Cailtin, relieved to see me at the entrance to the room. "I thought you would not arrive in time.

- But I'm here, aren't I? Don't worry about anything else, Cait. What did the doctor say?

- We have to wait for the contractions to get closer.

- Then I'll call Joe to let him know where I am and to tell the captain that I'm not going back to the CCPD today, - I said, leaving the room.

"- I'm Joe, it's time ... Do you tell the captain that I won't be able to return today?

- Of course it is! Me, Eddie and Iris are going over there as soon as we can.

- Okay and thanks Joe.- said hanging up the call "

- Well Joe and the rest of the people are coming here. I think I just need to let Oliver and Felicity know.

- No need, they are already on the way. Cisco already called them.

It was six in the afternoon when the doctor came to the room and said it was time to have our children. She called for a nurse and both Cisco and Harry left the room and sat in the chairs they had in the hall.

"It's time to push, Caitlin," said the doctor.

Forty-five minutes later we already had our two babies outside. The doctor took them to a kind of baby bed to see if everything was okay with the babies and then returned to our bank, together with the nurse, with them wrapped in adorable blankets.

- Congratulations have a very healthy boy and girl here.- said the doctor handing us our babies. I took the girl, while Caitlin was holding the boy. - If you want I can call your friends.

"If you didn't mind," said Caitlin, smiling, and the doctor left the room and our friends entered calmly.

- Oh they are so beautiful.- said Iris looking at the baby in my lap.

- Guys, let me introduce Henry and Dawn.

"Oh, they are so cute!" said Felicity this time, sitting on the chair by Caitlin. "So how are you?"

- Sincerely? I am exhausted! But very happy!

- Well, you just gave birth to two children, you need to rest.

- Yes, the nurse said that in a little while she was going to pick up the babies to take them to the beds, so I can rest for a while.

After everyone got a little on the kids, Caitlin and I announced that we had thought of Henry's godparents, Felicity and Cisco. As soon as they heard our words, their faces lit up like a house full of Christmas lights and they accepted to be the best man.

Next, we said that we wanted Iris and Eddie as Dawn's godparents. There would be no better choice for godparents than these four. A few minutes later, the nurse came to the room and took our children so that Caitlin could rest for a while.

Our friends ended up leaving, as they too were tired and tomorrow would be a new day at work. Of course, I didn't even dream of going home, all I wanted was to be with the woman I love. Caitlin ended up falling asleep quickly, she could also after the effort she made, to give birth to our children, this rest was more than deserved.

I didn't notice to fell asleep, but I know I woke up when yesterday's doctor came to the room to see how Cailtin was doing. She continued to sleep peacefully and I had to go to the CCPD to talk to my captain to see if I could put a vacation on now, so I could help Caitlin with the kids as soon as we went home.

I left a note on the nightstand that was beside her saying that I had gone to the CCPD but that I was returning quickly. Before going there, I passed by the house, took a quick shower and changed clothes. When I got there, I knocked on the captain's door, but no one answered, so I went to Joe's secretary.

- The captain will be back soon. He had to go downstairs to do some business, but he must be on his way back. So how's Caitlin doing? And how are you?

- Caitlin is fine, she was sleeping when I left. And I'm fine, I couldn't be happier, you know? It is as if I have won two lotteries in a row ... I'm not sure how to explain.

- I understand ... Having a child is an extraordinary thing and you just had twins. But you know that from now on you will have to have twice the patience, they will give you a lot of work.- said Joe smiling.

- I know and we're ready!

- I know that and both I and your friends will be here to help you with whatever is necessary. Look, the captain is back, take the opportunity and go talk to him before someone does it before.

- Captain can I? - I asked after knocking on the door and as soon as he said yes, I went in and sat down.

- Allen already heard about your wife, congratulations. How are you?

- We are fine, very happy. In fact, that's why I came here. I know it's late, but do you think I could stay home for a while? A month or two? It's just because I don't want Caitlin to be home alone with two newborn babies.

- Of course it is. Come back only when you think it's right. Now you have to think about your children .... And tell me do you already have the names of the babies?

- Yes, the boy is called Henry and the girl is called Dawn.

- I'm glad everything it's okay, now do me a favor, Allen, go back to your wife's side. She needs you!

- Thank you again, captain.

I left his office and passed Joe and Eddie's secretaries to say goodbye and then went back to the hospital. When I entered the room I came across Caitlin already awake and with our two babies in her arms. There really was no better image than this and I know that starting today, our days will be different but much better!

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