Chapter 21

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- Barry I'm glad you came, I was seeing your problem and unfortunately I still have no solution, but ...- said Harry before seeing that Caitlin was with me.

What was happening is that today Caitlin was not supposed to come in the morning, only in the afternoon, but she insisted so much on coming with me that I couldn't say no. Now there is no way to get away from it.

- Problem, but what problem?"- Caitlin asked, worried and confused at the same time.

- There's one thing I didn't tell you ... Jay, when he kidnapped you, he stole my powers.

- What? And why the hell didn't you tell me that before. Barry, I could have helped you.

- I know but I didn't want you to worry about more. Caitlin, you had just been kidnapped, I didn't want you to worry about me.

- It doesn't matter Barry, you're going through a bad time and I'm your friend! Well, but now it doesn't matter that. Let's see how we can bring your powers back, "said Caitlin, sitting down in her chair.

- Good morning guys, I brought coffees for everyone. - said Cisco, giving the coffees to the staff and sitting in his chair, next to Caitlin.

- We must find a solution to recover my powers, without them I cannot protect this city from attacks by meta-humans.

- Barry can we talk? - asked Caitlin leading me to the cortex. - Barry, why do you say you can't protect this city?

- Cailtin is true, as much as it costs me to admit, what made me a hero were my powers. But without them, I am nobody.

- Barry before you had them, every day you fought to help the people of Central City and you can still do it. Damn you work at the police ...

- I know, but it's not the same ...

- Barry with or without your powers, you are still you! And I need you! This city needs you, with or without powers. We will be able to regain your speed but in the meantime, focus on your work at CCPD.

- Thank you Caitlin, I think that's what I really needed.

"I know!" Exclaimed Caitlin, smiling and hugging me.

This is exactly what I was in need of, one of her hugs. She had this power over me, that with just one hug, everything improved. Caitlin is right, I still have the power to help the people of this city, with or without Flash fantasy.

We went back to the control room and until lunch time we kept looking for ways to get my speed back. It was finally lunchtime and contrary to what was customary, today I was not going to have lunch with my friends but with my father.

"Today I'm going to pick you up from work." said Caitlin, smiling, and I left because my father was already waiting for me.

I met him at an Italian restaurant that was on the edge of the CCPD and I ordered a pasta with shrimp and my father ordered a pasta Bolognese.

He was telling me that he managed to get a job in the city where my paternal aunt lives and he will find an apartment there. Of course, I was happy for him, but I was enjoying having him by my side, but I know he wants to and he must remake his life after having gone through what he went through.

After eating and paying, I went to the CCPD, where I already had a case of theft to investigate. We arrived at the robbery site and I couldn't get any fingerprints, but I got a shoe brand behind the main counter.

There was not much to discover, only that the residue left on the floor was mud, with traces of a red substance and the size of the sneaker was 41. I did everything I could in this case and now things were on the detectives' side who had to investigate and collect the testimonies in order to catch who robbed this bank.

I've been doing some more tests on the lab apparatus for different cases and signing paperwork. Signing paperwork was a lot more boring now than it was before, because this time I didn't have the speed to get this whole pile of papers out in seconds.

- Can I? - she asked at the entrance to my office.

- I thought you'd come later. It's four-thirty in the afternoon.

- I know, but things in the lab were boring and besides that today we decided to close early, so I came to keep you company until your shift is over, but if it's bothering you, I can go for a walk anywhere or home and then I'll be back.

- Nothing like that, stay with me. But what if we have any cases of meta-humans?

- I have an application on my cell phone that will alert me if that happens, but luckily things have even been very calm, which is very strange but I am grateful for that.

- I see that you have everything under control then, so why don't you take that chair and come and sit next to me.

"Wow paperwork, but how exciting," said Caitlin, laughing as she sat down next to me.

- And it's not?! Dangerous things happened before you came.

"I brought you a gift." said Cailtin, handing me a small box from the suitcase. I opened it and it was a key, at first I didn't understand what it meant but seconds later it made sense. - It's your house key, if you are going to live with me, you have the right to it.

I was very happy when she gave me my house key. I know it makes sense to have one, since I've been living there for a while, but it's a sign that she's tearing down the walls she created after Ronnie's second death and I'm even happier to know that she's tearing them down with me.

Having her here with me is very good, I feel that the rest of my afternoon will not be as boring as I thought. Not to mention I get a call from Joe who asked me if I wanted anything to eat and told him to bring me two cakes and two The Flash.

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